Page 124 - BBLP ejournal2018.docx
P. 124


              Sequence analysis and identification of animal species

                     To obtain sequence information on cyt b gene of each animal species tested, the PCR

              products were purified using PCR purification kit (Macherey-Nagel, Germany) and sequenced the

              purified products using the automated dye-terminator cycle sequencing method with Ampli Taq DNA
              polymerase in ABI 3130 DNA Analysis Sequencer (ABI, USA). The products, then, were blasted to

              the sequencing information of GenBank (NCBI) using the BLAST Sequence Analysis program


              Quantification of multiplex PCR products

                     To quantify the mixed DNA from different animal spp., DNA samples of cattle, chicken and

              pig were diluted to the concentration of 20 ng/µl. These DNAs were mixed for using as the templates

              in 2 different PCR reactions. The first reaction was the mixture between cattle and pig’s DNA and

              the second reaction was the mixture between chicken and pig’s DNA. Both reaction were mixed in

              ratio of cattle or chicken’s DNA to pig’ s DNA as 1:0, 1:1, 1:0.5, 1:0.25, 1:0.1, 1:0.05, 1:0.025, 1:0.01,

              and 0:1 (v/v) with 3replicationsfor each reaction in order to test for the efficiency of the tests.

              Sampling food testing

                     Eleven meat-labeled products from food shelves and vendors including white pork sausage,

              pork sausage, pork ball, chicken sausage, chicken ball, beef ball, and beef stew were used for

              testing original species which were sampling randomly. DNA from all samples was extracted and

              PCR reactions were evaluated as described previously. The PCR products were illustrated on
              agarose gel compared with DNA from 6-known species.


              Nucleotide sequence analysis and prediction of primer specific of each spp. cyt b gene

                     To obtain sequence information on the cyt b gene of different potential animal species tested,

              the data from NCBI database. Sequence comparison among cytb amplified regions of 6 animal

              species: cattle (Accession no.NC006853), buffalo (Accession no.NC006295), sheep (Accession no.

              FR873152), goat (Accession no. EU130780), chicken (Accession no. EU839454) and pig (Accession

              no. AB015078) were used. Species-specific primers of mt cyt band expecting PCR amplicon sizes

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