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events and they only do that if someone takes the trouble to create the record.
FAMILIES preserve family history but, sometimes, not very well. Each year
someone in any family dies and with them go their memories of their own lives
and the lives of others who have passed on before them. When people die we lose
forever what they remember about family. We lose it because we did not ask
them about their memories. We did not write down family facts. And, we will
never find out what they knew from a review of documents stored in a court
house or a computer. It is gone forever.
If someone, anyone, had written down, say, in a family Bible, the names of
children, their dates and places of birth, who they married, when and where,
etc., FRANKLIN FOY and AMOS FOY would not have had much problem
trying to come up with accurate information some 200 years after the fact.
Of course, those early FOYs had a very good excuse. Very many of those early
settlers to America could not read or write. Just trying to survive was difficult
enough without worrying about family history. Family history for the common
man in America is relatively a new but blooming past time. A good example of
this is the lack of FOY information regarding the Cisco Clan. I have seen only
one family Bible with family data in it; that being the one kept by EDNA
LAUNA VAN CLEAVE FOY, the second wife of JOHN ELON FOY and
presently in possession of BOBBIE GAMMILL, and in that lone bible there is
hardly any information about the children born to JOHN through his first wife.
I chastise myself over and over about all the reunions I have attended over the
years but never sat down with the older folks and asked them about their
memories of family. Why didn’t I take a tape recorder ? Why didn’t I take more
photos and write on the back of them when and where they were taken and who
was in them?
In addition to trying to sort out information regarding the early FOYs in
America, this book is an attempt to eventually capture ALL the available
photographs and memories that remain of the FOYS WHO CAME TO TEXAS
as they relate to the Cisco Clan and to preserve those facts and photos for those
that follow. I ask for your help.
TAB 2 Pg. 10