Page 7 - 2024 - Mission PRC Leisure Guide - Spring Summer - Online Guide
P. 7



                          BRING YOUR REPORT CARD                                 CHANGE ROOMS
                          ON YOUR FIRST DAY                                      Parents, guardians and support workers

                          Help our instructors understand strengths              are asked to use the universal change room
                          and challenges to focus on and it’s a great            when assisting children, youth or adults of a
                          record to build on.                                    different gender over 6 years of age.

                          SHOES ON THE POOL DECK                                 MISSED CLASSES

                          For the cleanliness of the facility, street            Refunds will not be issued for missed
                          shoes are not permitted on the pool deck.              classes unless a doctor’s note is provided.
                          Please bring appropriate deck shoes.                   If the department cancels lessons, make-up
                                                                                 class(es) or credit on account will be
                                                                                 provided at the end of the session set.
                          ARRIVING EARLY FOR

                          YOUR LESSONS                                           SWIM ASSESSMENTS
                          Aim to arrive 5 minutes early changed and              Not sure what swim level to register in?
                          on deck in the designated meeting area                 Swim assessments can be performed by
                          before the start of lessons.                           our friendly aquatic staff next time you are
                          After your child has met their instructor,             in for a public swim session.
                          please move off deck to the viewing areas.
                                                                     Enjoy your long weekends! Swim lessons do not
                                                                     run on long weekends including Friday, Saturday,
                          SUITS & HAIR                               Sunday. Lessons do not run on stat holidays.
                          Please wear a proper-fitting swimsuit and
                          tie long hair back or wear a swim cap.

                                                                                         SPRING + SUMMER 2024
                                                                                         S P R ING + S UMME R 2 02 4  7 7
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