Page 148 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 148

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                 Distribution from Mother to Fetus & Placental barrier

                  ‒  The maternal and foetal blood vessels are separated by the placental barrier.

                  ‒  Drugs cross the placental membrane by passive transcellular diffusion.

                  ‒  The  placental  membrane  has  very  tight  junctions,  so  lipophilic  solutes  are
                      transported and distributed faster than hydrophilic solutes.

                  ‒  The large surface area of fetal villi, however, allows even hydrophilic drugs to

                      cross into the fetal circulation to some extent.

                  ‒  The fetal blood has fewer plasma proteins, so more of the drug is present as free

                      fraction in the fetal circulation.

                  ‒  Additionally, the other membrane barriers in the fetus are not as well developed

                      as those in the mother, and drug may distribute into fetal tissues (such as the brain)

                      more readily.

                  ‒  Thus, the placental barrier is not as effective as the blood-brain barrier.

                  ‒  So, care must be taken while administration of all types of drugs during

                      pregnancy because of the uncertainty of their harmful effects on developing fetus.

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