Page 144 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 144
PharmD clinical pharmacy program Level 3, Semester 2 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(
Clinical Significance
1. Drug displacement interactions:
› Drug displacement interactions occur between two or more drugs that bind to same
plasma protein site.
› When two drugs are given, each with a high affinity for plasma protein, they
compete for the available binding sites.
› If one drug is binding to such a site, then administration of second drug having
higher affinity for the same site results in displacement of first drug from its
binding site.
› In some instances, a slight displacement of a drug will result in marked increase
in its biological activity.
Ex 1: Administration of phenylbutazone to a patient on warfarin therapy results
in displacement of warfarin from its binding site.
Has high plasma protein binding of about 99% (free drug concentration = 1%),
Shows a small volume of distribution (remains confined to blood compartments)
Has a narrow therapeutic index.
If just 1% of warfarin is displaced by the phenylbutazone, the concentration of
free warfarin will be doubled (2%).
The enhanced concentration of free warfarin may cause severe haemorrhagic
episodes, which may result in lethality.