Page 149 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 149

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                                       CHAPTER SUMMARY

                   Factors affecting distribution
                   1. Differing characteristics of body tissues
                   2. Disease states that alter physiology
                   3. Physico-chemical and lipid solubility of the drug
                   4. Regional differences in physiologic pH (e.g., stomach and urine)

                   5. Extent of protein binding of the drug.

                   Clinical Significance

                   1. Drug displacement interactions

                   2. In hypoalbuminemia, binding may be reduced and high concentrations of free
                      drug may be attained e.g. Phenytoin and Furosemide.

                   3. Drugs that are highly plasma protein bound may have:  a longer duration
                      of action and hence longer half-life because the drugs in bound form cannot

                      be metabolized or excreted. Thus, they require less frequent dosing.

                   Distribution to the Brain & Blood–Brain Barrier

                   Distribution from Mother to Fetus & Placental barrier

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