Page 146 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 146

PharmD clinical pharmacy program            Level 3, Semester 2          Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(

                      A  solute  in  blood  must  cross  both  the  capillary  endothelium  and  surrounding

                     astrocyte sheath before entering the brain.

                      Paracellular  transport  through  tight  junctions  between  endothelial  cells  is

                     impossible even for small solutes.

                      This  means  transcellular  transport  (either  by  passive  diffusion  or  by  a  carrier-
                     mediated  process)  or  transcytosis  are  the  only  mechanisms  for  distribution  of

                     solutes into the brain.

                      Even transcellular diffusion is slowed down considerably by the astrocyte sheath.

                      So, the unique structure of brain capillaries forms an effective blood brain barrier

                     that restricts and controls entry of solutes into the brain.

                  ✓ This  barrier  is  an  adaptation  that  for  the  most  part  protects  brain  tissue  from
                     invasion by foreign substances.

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