Page 181 - Interactive Theoritical Notes of Bioharmaceutics and pharamcokinetics.docx compressed
P. 181
PharmD clinical pharmacy program Level 3, Semester 2 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (PT608(
The establishment of a predictive IVIVC provides with:
A better understanding of the release properties of the drug product
Enables to decrease the number of in vivo studies needed to approve and maintain a
drug product on the market resulting in an economic benefit and a decreased
regulatory burden.
Enables to set clinically meaningful dissolution specifications based on the predicted
plasma concentration-time profile.
A meaningful and predictive IVIVC is a correlation that can predict the C max and
Categories of In Vitro–In Vivo Correlations
Level A Correlation
• It is the highest level of correlation and represents a point-to-point (1:1) relationship
between an in vitro dissolution and the in vivo input rate of the drug from the dosage
form. Level A correlation compares the percent (%) drug released versus percent (%)
drug absorbed.
• The major advantage of a Level A correlation is that a point-to-point correlation is
developed. All in vitro dissolution data and all in vivo plasma drug concentration–time
profile data are used. Once a Level A correlation is established, an in vitro dissolution
profile can serve as a surrogate for in vivo performance. A change in manufacturing
site, method of manufacture, raw material supplies, minor formulation modification,
and even product strength using the same formulation can be justified without the need
for additional human studies.
• Level A correlation enables the in vitro dissolution test to become meaningful and
clinically relevant quality control test that can predict in vivo drug product