Page 32 - Now-book2-fli-version
P. 32
会話 1 : Symptoms and OTC Medication
Fei Xing has been having throbbing headaches and dizziness for
about 10 days.
フェイ・シェンは 10 日ほど前からズキズキとした頭痛とめまいに悩まされています。
Doctor: 日本人 Fei Xing:台湾人
Doctor : Hello. I see from your file that you are having headaches. Is that right?
Ms. Fei Xing : Yes. My head really hurts recently.
Doctor : When did you start getting the headaches?
Ms. Fei Xing : From about a week and half ago.
Doctor : I see. Can you tell me more about the headache symptoms? Do they occur on one side or
both sides of your head?
Ms. Fei Xing : The headaches hurt on this side of my head.
Doctor : OK. And how long do they last usually?
Ms. Fei Xing : A few hours.
Doctor : Could you be more specific? Is it more than 3 hours usually?
Ms. Fei Xing : Yes. Sometimes for a whole day.
Doctor : Do they seem to throb ?
Ms. Fei Xing : You mean like coming and going?
Doctor : Yes. Is it a throbbing pain or is it constant ?
Ms. Fei Xing : Usually throbbing.
Doctor : On a scale from 1 to 10 – 1 being mild and 10 being severe. How much does it hurt?
Ms. Fei Xing : Uhmm.... about a 7 … I think.
Doctor : OK. And have you been taking any OTC drugs for them?
Ms. Fei Xing : OTC? I don't understand.
Doctor : Oh, sorry. OTC stands for 'Over-The-Counter'. Medicine that you usually buy at a drug store.
Ms. Fei Xing : Oh. Yes, I have been taking some painkillers for the problem when it is bad. But not
often. Basically, I don't like to take medicine.
Doctor : Do the headaches get worse when you exercise?