Page 20 - NYPCG - KAAKBAY 2018 July to December
P. 20

20 July to December                                                             Secretary Cayetano meets American Jewish
                              2018                                                               Committee Leaders
           Secretary Jesus Dureza Updates
          Fil-Am Community in New York on
       Peace Developments in the Philippines

 Secretary Jesus Dureza(top left) briefs members of Fil-Am community and media     Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano (3rd from left, front row) meets an assembly
 on the peace process during a focus group discussion in New York. (Photo by       of American Jewish Committee (AJC) leadership group headed by Asia
 New York PCG)                                                                     Pacific Institute (API) Director Shira Lowenberg (6th from left, front row) on
                                                                                   26 September 2018 at the Philippine Center in New York. (Front row, L-R)
           Presidential Adviser on Peace Process Jesus Dureza                      AJC Senior Lay Leader Bill Siegel, API Associate Director Daniel Silver,
kept the members of the Filipino-American media and Fil-Am                         Secretary Cayetano, Senior Lay Leader Marlene Altman, Senior Lay Leader
community in New York abreast with the latest peace                                Francine Port, Ms. Lowenberg, Chief Presidential Legal Adviser Salvador
developments in the Philippines at a focus group discussion                        Panelo, Jr. and Deputy Consul General Kerwin Orville Tate. (2nd row, L-R)
organized by the Philippine Consulate General on 20                                DFA-OPD Acting Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Cato, South Cotabato
November 2018 at the Philippine Center’s Kalayaan Hall.                            Representative Ferdinand Hernandez, PCOO Assistant Secretary Ester
                                                                                   Margaux Uson, Ako Bicol Party List Representative Alfredo A. Garbin, Jr.,
           The event was attended by members of the Fil-Am                         DFA-OAA Assistant Secretary Maria Lumen B. Isleta, Philippine Permanent
community and media.                                                               Representative to the UN Teodoro L. Locsin, Jr., Consul General Claro S.
                                                                                   Cristobal, and Minister & Consul Jose Victor Chan-Gonzaga of the
           Secretary Dureza updated the participants on                            Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C.
developments in the different peace tables. He said that the
Philippine government decided to cancel peace talks with the                    Senator Sherwin Gatchalian meets with members
CPP-NPA-NDF due to lack of reciprocity on the part of the                                        of the Fil-Am Community

           He stressed that the PH government sees the need
for an inclusive approach for peace, where the concerns of all
stakeholders – whether they are peaceful citizens or those
who have taken up arms - are taken into consideration in
order for these peace initiatives to work and so as not to
marginalize the aspirations and concerns of the indigenous
peoples, the youth, and women.

           At the end of the dialogue, Secretary Dureza
recognized the time and effort given by the participants in
attending the forum which he said is a testament to their
strong resolve to work for peace. The Secretary awarded
them certificates as Ambassadors of Peace in their
community, helping the Philippine government in the daunting
task of promoting awareness of the Philippine peace process.

           Philippine Consul General in New York Claro S.
Cristobal moderated the focus group discussion.

Secretary Dureza and Consulate Officials with members of the Fil-Am community   Senator Sherwin Gatchalian updates Filipino community leaders in US northeast
in New York. (Photo by New York PCG)                                            on the status of the economic and infrastucture development projects in the
                                                                                Philippines as well as the status of current and pending legislations on tax reform,
                                                                                education, energy, among others, during a focus group discussion at the Philippine

                                                                                Center in New York on 26 December 2018.
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