Page 25 - NYPCG - KAAKBAY 2018 July to December
P. 25

25July to December

            Diskubre Pilot Batch Completes Heritage Tour in the Philippines

           The first batch of                                         Philippines every time I
Diskubre Tour delegates                                               visited family. After
wrapped up their immersion
trip in the Philippines                                               listening to the oral
covering Manila, Baguio,                                              history of each town,
                                                                      witnessing  people’s
Sagada, Banaue, and                                                   daily routines, and
Ifugao last 7 to 17 July.                                             experiencing a sample of

The Diskubre Tour                                                     their traditions, I am
was organized by the                                                  more in touch with my
Philippine  Consulate                                                 Filipino side more than
General in New York                                                   ever.”

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           For the pilot tour, PCGNY teamed up with ABS-CBN as chance to share my time and talent with school and

the Diskubre media partner, to document and cover the village children during the trip.”
adventure of the young travelers. The trip will be featured in the
digital series Discovering Routes Travels with Diskubre,
premiering in September.                                              For Bronx high school student, Feona Hidalgo,
                                                                      the trip “made me realize how fortunate I am with the
                                                                      resources I have growing up. Seeing firsthand how the
           During the 11-day tour, the young travelers went on        children in the mountains live their daily lives, I learned
historical and educational tours, food trips, farming and livelihood  not take for granted the comfort and convenience I
immersion, cultural exchanges, and nature excursions.                 enjoy, as not everyone has the same privilege.”

           Twenty-year old Calvin Santiago from New Hampshire
recalls, “I really enjoyed exploring the Philippines. Every day we
were traveling to a different city and learning about the lives and              Feona’s father, Derick, is thankful for his
history of the locals. I am excited to share stories of our travels   daughter’s experience, adding “I have seen her mature
with my family and friends, hoping they will take the same trip       throughout the duration of the tour. Feih has gained
that changed my outlook of the Philippines forever.”                  lifelong friends and acquired valuable lessons about her
                                                                      Filipino identity. I recommend that parents and Filcom
                                                                      organizations have their children take the Diskubre Tour
           Filipino-British Alexandra Brown says, “It has brought me  at least once in their lives for an eye-opening journey.”
a new perspective to my own identity as a half-Filipino woman.
Growing up in a different country, I felt like an outsider in the
                                                                             (Continue to page 27)

(continued from page 25… DISKUBRE at the Mount)
of a Filipino Mom,” where one of the travelers, Alex Brown relates to her Filipino Mom the adventures she did and the women
she met during the trip which made a great impact on her experience.

           Three of the travelers were on hand to provide their insights to the guests: Elaine Ficarra from Philadelphia, Feih
Hidalgo and her Dad Derick, from New York.

           Elaine shared that she has always been active in the Filipino community in Philadelphia, but she has learned much
more when she went on Diskubre and encouraged everyone to try to go on a similar trip, or start watching the web series to
join them in their journey.

           Feih revealed that as an artist, she related most to the visit to National Artist for Cinema Kidlat Tahimik’s life project Ili-
Likha Artist Village, who built an art complex from recycled supplies and materials from nature. “It made me realize that as long
as I am creative, I can use anything without harming nature to create magnificent art.”

           SAMAHAN Secretary Ana Camille Mendoza, who moderated the talkback noted that “the experiences of the travelers
inspired me to take my own Diskubre tour sometime in the future to explore my Filipino identity more and learn more about

           Professor Teresita Ramirez urged the students, especially the Filipinos in the audience, to find ways to join the
Diskubre tour, because the lessons and wisdom they can learn from the tour will be valuable assets in building their character.
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