Page 24 - NYPCG - KAAKBAY 2018 July to December
P. 24

24 July to December

Consul General Cristobal Explores Collaborations with Filipina Director of NYC Economic Office

           New York City Mayor’s Office for International Affairs
Economic Development Director Loren Nadres (center), a Filipino-
American immigrant from Quezon Province, met with Consul
General Claro S. Cristobal (2nd from left) and PCGNY officials last
18 December at the Boardroom of the Philippine Center in

           Ms Nadres revealed that she has been in her position for
less than one month, but is raring to work on promoting business
and trade in New York City, in partnership with foreign players,
including from the Philippines.

           Consul General Cristobal congratulated Ms Nadres for (L-R) Senior Trade Representative Nicanor Bautista, Consul General Claro S.
landing an important role in the Mayor’s Office, and expressed his Cristobal, Ms. Loren Nadres, Consuls Arman Talbo, and Khrystina Corpuz
enthusiasm in working on potential projects in technology, design, Popov were also present at the meeting.
and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Consul General Cristobal Builds Partnership                                      DISKUBRE at the Mount Draws More Youth for
        with Albright Stonebridge Group                                                                 Heritage Tour

 Consul General Claro S. Cristobal (left) and Ms Meredith Miller (right), Vice     College of Mount Saint Vincent (CMSV) Faculty, CMSV-SAMAHAN, Diskubre Tour
 President of Albright Stonebridge Group, exchange stories about their             participants, and Consul Khrystina Corpuz Popov celebrate the Filipino heritage
 experiences in the Foreign Service during a courtesy call on the former last 5    during Diskubre at the Mount on 14 November. (PCGNY Photo)
 September in New York. (NYPCG Photo)
                                                                                            The Philippine Consulate General in New York,
           Officials of the Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG)                     College of Mount St. Vincent (CMSV), and SAMAHAN – the
paid a courtesy call on Consul General Claro S. Cristobal at                     Filipino student group of CMSV, jointly hosted Diskubre at the
the Philippine Consulate General offices in Manhattan, New                       Mount last 14 November at the Founders Hall, College of
York last 5 September.                                                           Mount St. Vincent at the Bronx.

           ASG Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific                                 Diskubre Tour, the heritage tour founded by the
Meredith Miller, a former official of the US Department of                       Philippine Consulate General in New York in partnership with
State, introduced their organization to the Consul General.                      the Department of Tourism, had its pilot batch travel for 11 days
                                                                                 in the Cordilleras last July. ABS-CBN covered the tour and
           Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG) is a global                          produced a web series about the tour in its program
business strategy firm. The firm advises multinationals,                         Discovering Routes Travels with Diskubre.
financial institutions, industry associations, and non-profit
organizations on a variety of matters including international                               In her opening remarks, Consul Khrystina Corpuz
government relations, market entry and risk assessment,                          Popov thanked the hosts for helping promote the Consulate’s
regulatory affairs, stakeholder engagement, partner                              programs for the youth, specially Diskubre
development, and shared value programs. ASG is chaired by
former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and its                                   She added that she finds “inspiration in the energy
consultants and officials are mostly former US ambassadors                       of the young Filipino-Americans and [I am] excited about what
and ministers.                                                                   you can do with the lessons that Diskubre will teach you.”

           Consul General Cristobal shared updates on the                                   Representing the College were Dean Lynne
developments in the Philippine economy and sought the                            Bongiovanni, Professor Teresita Ramirez, and Professor Noel
assistance of ASG in endorsing their clients for investment                      Pangilinan, who all expressed their appreciation for the
opportunities to fill gaps in public works, telecommunications,                  Consulate’s continued outreach to the CMSV community.
energy, and utilities industries in the Philippines.                             The students and guests were given a screening of an episode
                                                                                 of Discovering Routes Travels with Diskubre, “Immigrant Story

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