Page 21 - NYPCG - KAAKBAY 2018 July to December
P. 21

21July to December

            General Santos and Jersey City                                               Consul General Cristobal Meets with
              Pen Sister Cities Agreement                                            NYC Commissioner for International Affairs

 Jersey City mayor Steven Fulop (seated, left) and General Santos Vice Mayor                    Consul General Claro
 Shirlyn Bañas Nograles (seated, right) finalize their Sister Cities Agreement with  S. Cristobal met with Ms. Penny
 a handshake. (PCGNY Photo)                                                          Abeywardena, New York City
                                                                                     Commissioner for International
           The local governments of General Santos City and                          Affairs, at her Manhattan office
Jersey City formalized their Sister Cities Agreement last 14                         on 30 July 2018.
August at a Signing Ceremony held at the Council
Chambers, Jersey City Hall, New Jersey.                                              The office of the
                                                                                     Commissioner for International
           Vice Mayor Shirlyn Bañas Nograles represented                             Affairs provides services and
General Santos City Mayor Ronnel Rivera in the ceremony,                             information to the diplomatic
saying that the Sister Cities Agreement is a step toward                             and consular corps including
achieving various projects of exchange and mutual benefits                           consular notification and Consul General Claro S. Cristobal
for growth and development.                                                          emergency  response, (R) with Commissioner Penny
                                                                                     delegation visits, diplomatic and Abeywardena during their meeting in
           Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop notes this is the                          consular parking program,  and
first Sister Cities agreement in his 5 years in office,                              economic development       and    Manhattan.
acknowledging the significant contribution of the Filipino
community in his city. He looks forward to visiting General                          international business.
Santos, building a strong bond with General Santos, and
flourishing together as sister cities in the future.                                            During the meeting, Consul General Cristobal
                                                                                     discussed the priorities of the Consulate General, including the
           Consul General Claro S. Cristobal and Vice                                promotion of the Philippines as investment destination for
Consul Khrystina Corpuz Popov represented the Philippine                             businesses based in New York and other states under Post's
Consulate General at the event.                                                      jurisdiction. Commissioner Abeywardena assured the support
                                                                                     of her office to Philippine business and official delegations
                                                                                     visiting New York.

                                                                                                The Consul General and the Commissioner
                                                                                     discussed the different programs of NYC for the diplomatic and
                                                                                     consular community based in the city like the Connecting Local
                                                                                     to Global (CL2G) which provides opportunities for diplomats to
                                                                                     learn about the work of NYC agencies and institutions. They
                                                                                     likewise discussed possible areas of collaboration between the
                                                                                     Consulate and NYC.

                                                                                     PNP Launches It’s Global Community Relations
                                                                                                        Program in New York

Consul General Claro S. Cristobal (7th from right) shows his support for the         General Sermonia candidly answers concerns raised by Filcom members,
General Santos City delegation led by Vice Mayor Shirlyn Bañas Nograles (6th         particularly from leaders of Malaya Movement and the National Alliance for Filipino
from right) at the Sister Cities Signing Ceremony held at the Jersey City Hall last  Concerns (NAFCOM) during the open forum, clarifying to the groups that PNP
14 August. (PCGNY Photo)                                                             does not plan to set up outposts in the US. (Photos by New York PCG).
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