Page 24 - Taylor Hall signage-Design Research_Methods-2017
P. 24
We need to understand our user first.
Creating a User Experience Map. How do we create one?
User experience map creates an inventory of all touch-
It makes the customer experience understandable points a customer has with the product or service –
and addressable: so we can be coherent and consis- both large and small.
tent in the messages we need to get across.
You can group them by channel (website, call centre,
It helps us find critical ‘moments of truth’ for the user: social media, etc) and give an indication of roughly
so we can focus on these points to make significant where in the customer’s process they fit.
improvements much more achievable.
The key inputs for mapping the experience are the
It unites any corporate silos and ignites a focus on research activities I will conduct, such as stakeholder
the customer: it can be a shared langauge and focus interviews, customer surveys and contextual enquiries
point for communicating insights from different parts (primary research), and existing business documenta-
of the business. tion or industry reports (secondary research). Once we
start to synthesize this research we can start matching
your insights with the inventory. ry.