Page 23 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 23

A significant development in the art of jade carving
                                                              during the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han
                                                              dynasty was the increasing popularity of burial jades,
                                                              and indicative of a developed and highly specialised
                                                              production system. Although the crafting process of
                                                              burial jade did not differ from that of everyday jade
                                                              artefacts, the difference in the attention to detail between
                                                              the two presented a stark contrast. For instance, burial
                                                              jades are less refined, and with more remnant markings
                                                              from the jade carving process visible on the objects.
                                                              Whereas everyday jade artefacts such as accessories that
                                                              were worn, these are mostly finely carved and well-
                                                              polished with markings from the production process
                                                              properly polished and seldom visible. Occasionally, some
                                                              tool marks were visible, for example markings left by
                                                              tube drills used to remove the material and the vertically
                                                              aligned iron bar tool marks in the scabbard buckle hole
                                                              of a jade sword. (fig. 23, lot 2769).  It is interesting to
                      fig. 23  detail of sword pommel in lot 2769  note that during this period there was an abundance of
                         圖二十三  拍品 2769 號玉劍首細部
                                                              works that combined the use of jade and metal.
                                                              5. Conclusion
                                                              The Guofeng (Airs of the State) part of Shijing (Classic

           《詩經 ‧國風》中曰:「如切如磋,如琢如磨。」切、                          of Poetry) contains a section on how the virtues of a
                                                              person can be ‘cut, ground, carved, and polished’ to a
                                                              more advanced state. These four words cover a spectrum
           其實這四字用在中國治玉工藝發展的前三個時期也十                            of works that have been interpreted through different
           分合適。這一時期是中國古典主義玉雕的產生、發展、                           media of bones, teeth, jade, and stone carvings. These
           完善並達到頂峰的時期,也是中國玉雕藝術最具神秘                            words are equally applicable in the development of
           魅力的時期。                                             all three early stages of the jade carving technology as
                                                              outlined above. These periods had seen the emergence,
                                                              development, and culmination of classic Chinese jade
                                                              carvings, and when Chinese jade artwork reached the
                                                              peak of its mystical charm.

           1  楊伯達,《關於琢玉工具的再探討》,頁 87,楊伯達著:《楊伯達論玉—八             1  Yang Boda, Yang Boda Lun Yue, ‘A Discussion of Jades by Yang Boda’, Guanyu zhuoyu
           秩文選》,紫禁城出版社,2006 年。                                gongju de zai taolun’, Re-examining tools used for jade carvings’, Forbidden City Press,
                                                              2006, p. 87
            明宋應星原著,羅振玉署,《天工開物—卷下 ‧ 珠玉》,據民國涉園重刊本
           景印,國際文化出版公司 1995 年 2 月出版。                          2  Song Yingxing in Ming Dynasty (signed by Luo Zhenyu), Tiangong Kaiwu, ‘The
                                                              Exploitation of the Works of Nature’, volume 2 (Pearls and Jade chapter), reprinted from
           3  S.W. Bushell、Kunz G. F. 及其他:《Investigations and Studies in Jade: The Heber R.
           Bishop Collection》,紐約,1906 年。本文所用李澄淵繪《玉作圖》均來源於此    version republished by Sheyuan Bibliotheca in the Minguo years, International Cultural
                                                              Press, February 1995
                                                              3  S.W. Bushell; Kunz G. F. and others. Investigations and Studies in Jade: The Heber R. Bishop
                                                              Collection. New York, 1906. The ‘Yuzuotu’ (Illustrations of the Manufacture of Jade) by
                                                              Li Cheng-yuan used in this essay are taken from this book from the National Palace
                                                              Museum archives.
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