Page 19 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 19

fig. 16  line drawing depicting metal tools
                                                   圖十六  琢玉時砣子使用的示意圖

           期的一些玉器雕琢中,開料、成形、劃線等工序還常                            16) that could not be achieved with stone tools. Since
           常能看到線切割和石質工具的痕跡。但是從高等級王、 there would have been limitations due to geography

           侯墓葬出土的玉器看,大多已經實現了青銅工具的使                            and production capability in the manufacture of jade
                                                              carvings, the emergence of bronze tools during this
                                                              period did not completely render primitive working
                                                              tools obsolete. Jade carvings found in the Erlitou culture
           奠定了中國琢玉設備、工具、輔料以及工藝的基礎,                            belonging to the Shang and even early Western Zhou
           以後的幾千年中只有工具和設備的改善,在基本技法                            dynasties, do show evidence in the use of string-cutting
           上,沒有發生太大的變化。                                       and stone tools particularly in the processes of opening,
                                                              shaping, and carving lines. However, from looking at
           此期的玉料來源還有所爭議。有人認為商代婦好墓中                            jade carvings discovered in the excavated sites of high
                                                              ranking noblemen, most of these would indicate that
                                                              they were produced with the use of bronze tools. With
                                                              the introduction of metal tools, further improvements
           玉器經檢測只能證明是透閃石玉,不能證明是新疆的                            were made in precision cutting, carving, and sculpting
           和田玉。筆者認為,這一時期玉料的來源還比較複雜, techniques.  The introduction of bronze tools formed the
           可能有相當一批玉料來自西北的甘青地區,但不見新                            foundation for working equipment, carving tools and
           疆和田玉的身影。                                           other supplementary materials. For the next thousands
                                                              of years, advancements were made in working tools and
           雕紋方面,商代玉器紋飾線條在轉折處較為方硬,曲                            equipment, while the basic techniques of jade carving
                                                              itself remained much of the same over time.
           道,為砣具蘸解玉砂琢成。夏商之時玉器雕琢除普通                            The source of the raw material during this period remains
           的陰刻線外,還流行一種雙鉤陰線紋,以雕琢兩條平                            controversial. Some believe that nephrite from Xinjiang

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