Page 17 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 17
fig. 14 detail of lot 2702 fig. 15 detail of lot 2701
圖十四 拍品 2702 號細部 圖十五 拍品 2701 號細部
史前玉器紋飾的雕琢是否已使用原始砣具,學術界一 no signs in the use of the tuo wheel seemed to be evident
直存在著爭議。就筆者的觀察,安徽的淩家灘文化、 in the Liangzhu culture of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang region.
東北地區的紅山文化、長江中下游的石家河文化、龍 Exactly what did the primitive tuo look like? How was
it used? These questions may only be answered through
further reconstruction and comparison experiments.
砣具是什麼摸樣?怎樣使用?還需要復原類比實驗來 3. Bronze Low Table-top Tuo Era
While the existence of tuo wheel is debatable in the
prehistoric era, there is no doubt about its utilisation
三、銅砣几式砣機時期 in jade working craft during the Xia, Shang, and
Zhou dynasties. The jade figurines unearthed at the
ruins of Yinshang revealed the fact that when people
at the time sat down, they sat on their heels. The stone
疑問了。殷墟出土的玉石人,使我們瞭解當時人們的 figurines from late Shang dynasty found at the Jinsha
坐姿是所謂的「跪坐」,即臀部坐落於兩足之上。四 site in Sichuan also sat in this posture, thus supporting
川金沙出土的商代晚期石人亦為此種坐姿,可見跪坐 the theory that this was common sitting position
已成為大江南北一種普遍的坐姿,一直延續到漢魏時 throughout China and continued to be so through the
Han to Wei dynasties. Consequently, the tuo wheels at
the time could only be low table-top models that were
力。另一方面,新石器時代晚期晚段,已經有了銅的 powered by hand. Meanwhile, in the later stages of the
冶煉。進入商周之時,青銅器已大量使用,這一切都 Neolithic Age, bronze metallurgy had emerged. Before
會用於治玉工具的革新中。可能最早的金屬工具為較 the Shang and Zhou dynasties, secular bronze tools
軟的紅銅製作,後來過渡到青銅。青銅鑄造的可塑性, were widely used, which played a significant role in the
evolution of working tools for jade carvings. The earliest
metal tools were possibly made from the softer copper
material before transitioning to bronze. The flexibility
無法比擬的。當然,不可否認,因為治玉業有地域和 of bronze casting facilitated working tools to be made
生產力水準的制約,此期青銅工具的出現並沒有完全 into thin, sharp blades and these circular disk-shaped
取代原始的治玉工具,二裡頭文化、商,甚至西周前 tools enabled the grinding of thin and fluid lines (fig.