Page 22 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 22
fig. 21 lot 2780 fig. 22 lot 2756
圖二十一 拍品 2780 號 圖二十二 拍品 2756 號
了極致,充分利用大一統帝國的優勢,玉器造型向大 During the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring
件、雄偉、氣勢磅礴上發展,紋飾佈局看似對稱,實 States period, each of the different states had its own
jade workshop as well as disparate styles in jade-working
and decorations. During the Warring States period, the
滿著張力(圖二十一、二十二),達到了中國古典玉 most delicate jade carvings were from the Chu state
雕藝術的高峰。 where even the smallest of jade objects were carved
with astonishing details. Aside from adorning the main
但是,春秋到漢代,玉雕工藝還有一個顯著的特點就 designs, small decorative markings such as grid marks
were added to in-fill empty spaces (fig. 20, lot 2768).
By the Han dynasty, the design and markings of jade
工藝上葬玉的製作工序和日常用玉沒有太大的差別, materials from the Warring States period reached a new
但是工藝的精細程度卻有著很大的不同。相對來說較 height. With the advantage of a vast, and increasingly
為粗糙,會保留較多的治玉過程中的痕跡。但凡是日 unified empire, the designs that were developed became
larger, more majestic, and of greater imposing styles.
The decorative markings that seemed merely symmetric
工細琢,打磨拋光時製作過程中留下的工藝痕跡也常 patterns at first glance are distinctively different.
常被磨掉,很少保留。當然,偶然也會看到部分工藝 Mythical creatures such as dragons, chi (hornless
dragons), and phoenixes motifs were able to be portrayed
with incredible strength and vitality. (figs. 21, lot 2780
向排列痕等(圖二十三)。另外,此期也常常出現玉 & 22, lot 2756). This was truly the pinnacle of classic
與金屬相結合的工藝。 Chinese jade carving.