Page 6 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 6

前言                                          FOREWORD

                                                       Chi Fan Tsang

           佳士得非常榮幸能於今年秋季呈現「養德堂藏                        Christie’s is honored to offer Part II of The Yangdetang Collection
           中國古玉器(二)」專拍,再次為古玉收藏界                        of Chinese Archaic Jades this autumn. We hope this collection will
           掀起熱潮。第一次專拍已然證明楊俊雄醫師及                        bring further excitement to our collectors. The reception of Part I
                                                       is testament to the connoisseurship of the late collector, Dr. Yang
                                                       Chun-hsiung and his advisor Mr. Chang Wei-Hwa. The items in the
                                                       current sale have again been meticulously selected, and can be roughly
           大約分成三部分:大部分拍品參加過台北故宮                        divided into three groupings: the majority of the first group have
           「羣玉別藏」95 年、99 年展覽,特請鄧淑蘋                     been exhibited in the Taipei National Palace Museum, in Collector’s
           女士參考最新資料重新修正部分藏品年代與品                        Exhibition of Archaic Jades in 1995 and 1999, some of which have been
           名,以求精確;第二部分 12 件拍品,於 1999                   re-dated by Ms. Teng Shu-p’ing to reflect the latest research in this
           年之前購自「一言堂」珍藏,並委請吳棠海先                        area; the 12 items in the second group were acquired from the E Yuan
                                                       Tang Collection before 1999, and have been annotated and published
                                                       by Mr. Wu Tarng-hae in his series of volumes on archaic jades; the
           發展史系列」資料;第三部分 4 件拍品,出自
                                                       4 items in the third group came from the Chinhuatang Collection
           「金華堂」舊藏(張偉華先生亦為「金華堂」                        (also advised by Mr. Chang Wei-Hwa), also exhibited in Collector’s
           玉器收藏顧問),並參加過 99 年台北故宮「羣                     Exhibition of Archaic Jades in 1999, and subsequently entered the
           玉別藏」續集展覽,後蒙金華堂主割愛,而由                        Yangdetang Collection. As Ms. Teng has been preoccupied with the
           「養德堂」珍藏至今。由於鄧女士近期忙於寫                        publication of her own anthology, she has recommended Ms. Xu Lin
                                                       of Beijing Palace Museum to write the introduction of the current
                                                       catalogue. Ms. Xu made a special trip to Hong Kong to examine
                                                       the collection piece by piece, before deciding on the title of her well
           之後,再擬題撰寫。                                   researched essay.

           此次拍品精彩紛呈,囊括了文化期至東漢三千                        This sale includes jades from the pre-historic periods to the Eastern
           多年歷史的作品,其中尤以戰、漢時期的作品                        Han Dynasty, spanning more than 3000 years. There are many
           更為突出,如封面拍品 2756 號戰漢早期的玉                     wonderful examples in the collection, in particular those from the
                                                       Warring States and Han periods. The cover lot, lot 2756, for example,
                                                       a pierced jade ‘dragon’ huan, not only is made with the finest quality
                                                       white jade, but displays a level of technical mastery and sophistication
           的迷人魅力,也為養德堂古玉專拍中的精雕細                        in design that is simply astounding. It encapsulates the allure of
           琢,再次完美呈現。                                   Chinese archaic jades, and is a perfect symbol of the ofterings this

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