Page 9 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 9

techniques. Ancient China followed the adage of “the
                                                              son of a craftsman will always be a craftsman; the son of
                                                              a farmer will always be a farmer”.  This resulted in the
                                                              transmission of the jade carving tradition being passed
                                                              on verbally through the generations, within the confines
                                                              of secluded workshops, and thus further amplify the
                                                              mysterious nature of the art.

                                                              The author has dedicated many years to the study of
                                                              archaic jades and their craftsmanship. On this occasion
                                                              with the presentation of Dr. Yang Chun-hsiung’s
                                                              Yangdetang Collection offered at Christie’s, there are
                                                              significant examples here that will illustrate the wide
                      fig. 1  line drawings of bronze low-table tuo  range of classic jade carvings from the prehistoric period
                            圖一  跪坐几式砣機示圖
                                                              to the Han Dynasty.  Drawing from examples of jades
                                                              in the Yangdetang collection, the author will briefly
                                                              describe the technology of early jade workmanship from
                                                              prehistoric China to the Han Dynasty.
           也利用砂繩等軟性工具。新石器時代晚期晚段可能在 1. The Five Phases of Development in the Art
           某些地域文化中已出現了某種原始砣機,使用橫軸立 of Ancient Chinese Jade Carvings

           砣旋轉,手給動力,多人分工合作共同操作。砣具可                            Any mention of jade craftsmanship is incomplete
           能以石、木、骨、陶等自然材料而非金屬材料製造而                            without a discussion of the tools involved. The most
           成。                                                 important tool for the working of jade is the tuo wheel
                                                              (an emery wheel), which has undergone several changes
           第二為銅砣几式砣機治玉時期,基本相當於夏商至春                            during the various periods. In reference to Yang Boda’s
           秋早中期。此時,砣機已明確出現,因當時人們為跪                            view that the primary Chinese jade carving tool
                                                              the tuo had undergone five phases of changes , here the
                                                              author had split the history of Chinese jade carving into
           力,操作上漸趨成熟,因為有了青銅金屬工具的參與,                           five developmental periods.
                                                              The first phase is the primitive jade production era
           第三為鐵砣几式砣機治玉時期,從春秋晚期至南北朝                            which emerged and developed during the Neolithic
           時期。因人們還是席地而坐,砣機依然為几式砣機,                            age. Hailing the beginning of jade craftsmanship, the
                                                              primary tools were made of stone including the use of
                                                              soft tools such as the sand string. In the late Neolithic
           是手動力,但因鐵質工具比青銅更硬和尖利,治玉速                            period, some primitive form of the tuo might have been
           度進一步提高。                                            developed in some regions. The tuo wheel would have
                                                              been arranged upright, manually spun on a horizontal
           第四為鐵砣桌式砣機治玉時期,從隋唐——清——                             axis and operated by multiple people simultaneously.
           二十世紀六零年代初。此期傢俱抬高,砣機發展為高                            The tuo could have been made with natural materials
                                                              such as stone, wood, bone, or stoneware pottery but
                                                              without the use of metals.

           速度更快。                                              The second phase corresponds approximately to the
                                                              Xia and Shang dynasty and early-to-mid Spring-
           第五為現代治玉時期,自 1960 年以後迄今,砣機機身                        and-Autumn Period when bronze low table-top tuo

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