Page 8 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
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           中國古代玉器的研究和鑒賞,重點不外乎料、工、形、                           CUTTING, GRINDING,
           紋四個方面。料需多看多跑,許多玉料還可以借助科                            CARVING AND
           玉器及博物館收藏的傳世玉器多加觀摩也可逐漸掌                             POLISHING – EARLY JADE
           握,實在沒有機會,通過書籍也可解決。唯有工藝, CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM

           涉及到治玉技術,專業化很強,加之中國古代一直有                            PREHISTORY TO THE HAN

           著「工之子,恒為工;農之子,恒為農」的制約,使                            DYNASTY
           坊內,使人倍感神秘莫測。                                       Dr Xu Lin

           研究,此次佳士得拍賣臺灣收藏家楊俊雄先生養德堂                            In the study and appreciation of Chinese archaic jades,
           的玉器中,不乏具有典型工藝特徵的史前至漢代玉器, the focus invariably falls on the material, craftsmanship,
           故筆者以這些典型玉器為例,概述中國古代史前至漢                            form, and pattern. To truly understand the materials, one
           代的治玉工藝。                                            needs to be diligent in handling as many jade carvings
                                                              as possible. In fact, many different type of jades can be
           一、中國古代治玉工藝發展的五個時期                                  identified with the aid of scientific instruments. The art
                                                              of identifying designs and patterns can be understood
           談到治玉工藝離不開治玉工具,中國古代治玉最重要                            by observing jades from archaeological excavations and

           的工具就是砣機,它在不同時期有不同的變革。筆者                            those housed in museum collections. Even when there
           參考楊伯達先生關於中國治玉砣機分為五代的觀點 ,                           is a lack of opportunity to examine these jades at first-
           將中國治玉工藝史分為五個發展時期:                                  hand studying books on jades can be a learning asset.
                                                              The study of jade craftsmanship, however, involves an
           第一為原始治玉時期,出現並發展於新石器時代。此                            understanding of the highly-specialised processes and

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