Page 12 - Nov. 27, 2019 Christie's Important Works of Art HK
P. 12



         A FINE AND RARE TIANBAI-GLAZED                    ᒞ᥊ហ   ⁣Ⅾ㕳ᔅ⩈㢴㲌⑩㣅♄↲
         YONGLE PERIOD (1403-1425)
                                                           #MVFUU   4POT卿ٳᘹ卻ᡜᗌ᧐⟟卼
         The dish is thinly potted with wide rounded sides and a gently
         flared rim, finely decorated in anhua around the cavetto with a   㱈ᜡⱤ㺨⡠⎏᭦ᦼ≿⎊଍㬳჎☮⧎卿ཐᙇ׾ຽࡺᑐӬ։⡠㱈ࣿཨ༿㘆Ԣ
         pair of phoenix divided by 'S'-shaped clouds, the centre evenly   ⏟ऱ⎏᭦ᦼ≿⎊⏎卻  ݩߎ卼卿ݎᇌ⣌⏑Ⱬ䁗Ǯ8JMNPOU (PSEPO֖ܿ㙬
         spaced with three clusters of cloud-scrolls, applied overall with an   ⻦卿    ჺ ᝲ  ᚚᙻ㲞ᳰצ೥ᇑᐽ㐈卿ᐽ৅   ⽚ǯऔӬऱ⡠㱈Ǯֿཨ
         unctuous white glaze with the exception of the foot revealing the   ༿⊶ཎ⎏≿⎊⏎卻    ݩߎ卼    ჺᙻዴӭైஇ།⧻ワ㱦Ƕ5IF #SJUJTI
         fine, white body.                                  $PVODJM &YIJCJUJPO PG $IJOFTF "SUǷཿ㈇ԋཿ߅卿ⶬ㢙ᙻஎ㢙எ‸
         7œ/”ÿ in. (18.8 cm.) diam.                        ⽚卿ᇌ    ჺ  ᝲ ᚚᙻٳᘹ⼖༛ᬘᐽ㐈卿ᐽ৅   ⽚ǯ
         HK$700,000-900,000             US$90,000-120,000  "  %  #SBOLTUPOߒ⎈ԻӬ։᭦ᦼ⏎ӳᜡⱤ⡠㱈⎏⤇எ卿எᡪ⯝ទᐽ৅⏟
                                                           ַ卿㇦ݯⶬהǶ&BSMZ .JOH 8BSFT PG $IJOHUFDIFOǷ卿㲞ᳰ卿    ჺ卿
         PROVENANCE                                        எ ǯ
         Bluett & Sons, London (according to label)
         Dishes of this quality with the design of phoenix in anhua are very rare
         in the Yongle period. A tianbai dish of identical design and similar size
         (19 cm.), formerly from C.T. Loo and later in the Dr. and Mrs. Wilmont
         Gordon Collection, was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 April 2003,
         lot 646. Another dish of the same design but of a smaller size (16.5
         cm. diam.) was included in The British Council Exhibition of Chinese
         Art, The National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1944, illustrated in
         the Catalogue, no. 176, and subsequently sold at Sotheby's London, 8
         December 1992, lot 233.
         A. D. Brankston in Early Ming Wares of Chingtechen, Hong Kong, 1982,
         fig. 6, illustrates a line drawing of a detail from a similar dish, showing
         a phoenix with a feathery tail and the distinctive 'S'-shaped ribbon of

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