Page 7 - Nov. 27, 2019 Christie's Important Works of Art HK
P. 7

were, for example, especially popular in Japan, and some of the Chinese   㬦ዷᇈज⬒׹⯇㇛Ռ໾Ꮛ⎏㇝᭯卿ֿ㪪␖ᛞ
               celadon wares from the Song to early Ming periods have remained as   㧿ᓠ☭卿㘺Ջഌ։଍⁒ங㇛ՌকែՌՔᅓई
               treasures of important Japanese temples and family collections.   ᫆㘃ǯսᚚទἃ׾卿ӳԧ⎏䂆ᯛ㬪≢ங⋁஠

               In the early Ming dynasty, not only did the celadon-glazed wares from
               the Longquan kilns retain their popularity, both within China and for
               export to other parts of Asia, records also make clear that some of these
               Longquan celadons were made for the court, under the supervision
               of government officials sent from the capital.  Significantly, juan 1094   ݯձՌᰲ஠ࢥ卿ई᫆㘃⎏☶ᄟ⢵ᬩӶ᳝卿ᙔ
               of the ഌᚺᝯݱ Da Ming Huidian states that in the 26  year of the   ℣ԋՔᚺᙔ㉃㖊卿㛑֍䂆ᯛ㬪≢ྏᙻ༈ᅡᇙ
               Hongwu reign [AD 1393] imperial wares were fired at the Yao and   ㅳ卿⏟፽Կ࡞ك⊐՗ԋ᰾৘␰ㅳǯٿᇑӬᓽ
               Chu kilns – i.e. at Jingdezhen in Jiangxi and at the Longquan kilns of   ⎏ᛓ卿ǶഌᚺᝯݱǷ࣍ӬԬ୨㉃㖊厍Ǹᰪ᫋
               Zhejiang.                                                 Հࢦݪჺ < ࣊ݩ݉      ჺ > ໸卿޹῟㙁؊⊇

               ՞႙⁒ᙠĝൈ៧ᙇഅ卿㑌इ՞ࢎ㑊՗⧡⚨⯞႙卿Ꮅᙇཐ卿リ☭                               ൈ៧ᙇഅ卿㑌इ՞ࢎ㑊՗⧡⚨⯞႙ǯᎵᙇཐ卿
               㲋Ǯ⽔✙ᄙ῟㙁ǯ                                                  リ☭㲋⽔ < ࣊ᮅ㇛ᜀᇪ㤯ক᱆ᮅ䂆ᯛ⚨ > ✙
               Given the quality of the current dish and the extreme rarity of dishes
                                                                         ᇎ㙓    ݩߎ⩢ᥑ⧎卿ទᐽ৅႙⠢ᙠ⢞卿ӻ
               over 50 cm. in diameter - from either the Longquan or the Jingdezhen
                                                                         ऑᇎἃ    ݩߎ卿⏭׹ᇈज⬒ᛓ⁞ἃ༈ᅡ῟
               kilns - in the early Ming dynasty, it seems very likely that this dish,
               with a diameter of 62 cm., would have been made for the court.

               As mentioned above, during the Yuan dynasty, in the mid-14  century,   ൈӳᏒ㘚卿ᛞ⯍ࢦ୨ӽ⡕ԋ⶟݉ջ卿⠢ㅳ
               the Longquan kilns, and those producing porcelain at Jingdezhen,   䂆ᯛ≢卻ᜀᇪ㤯Ք὞卼ᝪ㊽ᙃ㉑㈷卿ս㘃
               adapted some of their finest ceramics to accommodate the tastes of   भ㇛ఓ໾Ꮛ⎏ऑঀ卿㘺Ջ໾Ꮛ⋁ԋᚘᝳᚃ
               patrons from the west of China’s borders - either those currently   ཰ԋࣥ⩢卿Ԯᝳᘘइԋஇ㪃≢ἃ◶⁒⩢卿
               resident in China or those who received Chinese ceramics as gifts or
               as part of the export trade. Large dishes with bracket-lobed rims were
               among the new forms, which appeared at both the Longquan and
               Jingdezhen kilns at that time.  During the Yuan dynasty the large dishes
               with bracket-lobed rims made at the Jingdezhen kilns do not appear
               to have been made with lobed sides, although a small number of those   ≢ࢷ⁒㱦⻦Ӭ׾ݰ≓ᆨᆄ೅⎏݉ջⵘⱤऑ
               from the Longquan kilns did have this feature.  A large Yuan dynasty   ഌ⏎卿எ㇦Ƕԋஇ䂆ᯛ㬪≢Ƿஎ‸    卻ឿ
               dish with bracket-lobed rim and lobed sides from the collection   ႔厍    卼ǯ὞⩧卿㊃׾⎏≓ᅴ㙁௛Ӷࣿទ

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