Page 275 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 275

Mr. Kenzo Hasegawa


The Kaisendo Museum lies in Kaminoyama city in                博 物 館 位 於 日 本 東 北 山 形 縣 上 山 市, 專 門 收 藏 由 長 谷 川 兼 三
Yamagata prefecture, Japan and houses a collection of         (1886-1957 年)蒐集得來的中日工藝品。長谷川先生在上山
Chinese and Japanese art that was formed by Mr Kenzo          市創立了絲綢廠,且是藝術愛好者。第二次世界大戰以前,他
Hasegawa (1886-1957), the owner of a large manufacturer       只鍾情於日本刀劍器,後來在兄弟井上庄七、井上昌平兩父子
of raw silk in Kaminoyama. Initially he began by collecting   的倡議下,開始收藏雕漆器。井上庄七是著名的中國及日本陶
Japanese swords prior to World War II but under the           瓷收藏家,相信亦因此促成長谷川兼三於 1951 年設立了基金
advice of his brother (Mr Shouichi Inoue) and his nephew      會,以籌備稍後建立的私人博物館。
(Mr Shouhei Inoue) his attention soon turned to carved
lacquer. His brother was a renowned collector of Chinese      長谷川兼三收藏的漆器,大部份購於 1948 至 1950 年間,他的
and Japanese ceramics who had established a museum of         藝術顧問包括亞洲藝術學者久志卓真,以及壺中居美術店創辦
his own and this was almost certainly the inspiration for     人広田不孤齌(1897-1973 年)。広田不孤齌為當時中國美術
Mr Hasegawa to prepare for his own museum by setting          界的權威,他的學養和品味從博物館藏雕漆器之豐富華美中表
up the foundation in 1951.                                    露無遺。

The majority of the lacquer pieces in his collection were     該館的主要收藏類別是日本刀劍配件和雕漆精品,其中不乏重
acquired between 1948 and 1950. Two very important            要文物。雖然館藏的基礎是刀劍類,但隨後蒐集所得漆器無論
figures in the formation of the collection were Mr            珍貴程度或工藝水平均達國際等級。香港佳士得曾於 2007 年及
Takushin Kushi, a scholar of Asian art and Mr Hirota          2011 年拍賣館藏六件精品,包括一件宣德款剔紅雙螭荷葉式盤,
Fukkosai (1897-1973), the founder of Kochukyo. Mr             於 2007 年 5 月 29 日拍賣,拍品 1359 號,及一件萬曆剔彩雲龍
Fukkosai was one of the preeminent figures in the world       紋圓盒,於 2011 年 6 月 1 日拍賣,拍品 3573 號。
of Chinese art of his time and his influence can clearly
be seen in the collection in the wonderful and extensive
selection of important examples of carved lacquers in the

The main focus of the Museum’s collection, therefore, lies
in both Japanese sword fittings (which include some very
important examples) and important carved lacquerware.
Although the initial basis of the collection were the
sword fittings, the lacquer also stands out as a world class
collection in terms of the rarity and quality of the pieces
that the collection encompasses. Six remarkable pieces from
the collection were sold at Christie’s Hong Kong in 2007
and 2011, including an important Xuande-marked early-
Ming cinnabar lacquer tray, sold on 29 May 2007, lot 1359,
and an extremely rare polychrome lacquer box and cover
from the Wanli period, sold on 1 June 2011, lot 3573.

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