Page 112 - Bonhams Art from the Scholar's Studio, September 16, 2013 NY
P. 112

8159 (details)

Collection of Dr. Philip Gould                                              8160
                                                                            Huang Yue (1750-1841)
8159                                                                        Album of Landscapes after the Song and Yuan Masters
Xuelu (18th century)                                                        Album of ten leaves, ink and ink and color on paper, each leaf with
Album of Finger Paintings of Landscape or Bird-and-Flower                   an inscription stating the inspiration for the painting, with landscapes
Album of seven double leaves, each leaf signed with an inscription with     following the style of Wu Zhen, Mi Fei, Liu Songnian, Ke Jiusi, etc.,
numerous seals of the artist, the final leaf dated Qianlong bingxu (1766),  followed by the artist’s signature and one or two artist’s seals.
two other leaves dated bingxu.                                              9 1/2 x 10 1/4in (24 x 26.5cm) each leaf
9 x 14in (23 x 36cm) each double leaf                                       $4,000 - 6,000
$5,000 - 7,000
                                                                            黃鉞 山水 設色紙本 册頁十開
雪廬 山水花鳥 設色紙本 册頁七開
                                                                            Huang Yue was born in Dangtu, Anhui province and was awarded the
                                                                            Jinshi degree in 1789, eventually serving as the Minister in the Board of
                                                                            Revenue. He also authored several treatises on painting including Huayou
                                                                            Lu, Yizhai Ji and Ershisi Huapin.

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