Page 10 - Three Qianlong Rarities Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 10

fig. 1  Yuzhi Gengzhi Tu -- Imperially Commissioned Illustrations of Tilling and Weaving. Beijing: 1696.
                                              Woodblock illustrations mounted in an accordion-style album
                                       The Hanshantang Reserve Collection, sold at Christie’s London, 14 May 2013, lot 97
                                                      圖一  1696 年版《御製耕織圖》木刻本
                                                寒山堂珍藏   倫敦佳士得   2013 年 5 月 14 日   拍品 97 號

           the 佩文齋耕織圖 Peiwen zhai Gengzhi tu.  In English this is usually known as   Weaving」( 耕 織 圖 ) 或「Pictures  of
           ‘Pictures of Tilling and Weaving’ or ‘Pictures of Agriculture and Sericulture’ and   Agriculture  and  Sericulture」(農桑圖),
           contained 23 illustrations of agriculture and 23 illustrations of sericulture, each   圖冊含耕圖、織圖各二十三幅,每頁配康
           accompanied by the Kangxi Emperor’s seven-character quatrains.  A copy of this   熙七言絕句一首。2013 年 5 月 14 日,倫
           1696 publication was sold by Christie’s London on 14 May 2013, lot 97 (fig. 1)   敦佳士得【寒山堂珍藏】拍出這套 1696
           in the sale of The Hanshan Tang Reserve Collection.  The original version of the   年圖冊之刻本(拍品編號 97)(圖一)。
           Gengzhi tu was written by the Southern Song scholar 樓璹 Lou Shou (1090-  《耕織圖》原作出自南宋學者樓璹(公元

           1163), whose courtesy name was 樓壽玉 Lou Shouyu or 樓國器 Lou Guoqi.       1090 至 1164 年),樓氏字壽玉、國器,
           He came from 鄞縣 Yinxian in the prefecture of 明州 Mingzhou (modern 寧    明州鄞縣(今寧波)人,曾任潜縣令。樓
           波 Ningbo) and took up the post of magistrate ( 令 ling) of 潜縣 Qianxian.    璹對農民禮敬有加,並以圖文並茂的方
           He had considerable respect for the peasants and compiled a book illustrating   式,著書解釋耕織活計。書分上下卷,公
           details of their activities.  The two juan book was eventually completed in 1132   元 1132 年著成後進獻高宗(1127 至 1162
           and was submitted to Emperor Gaozong (r. 1127-1162), who welcomed it as   年在位),皇上龍顏大悅,認為可為勸課
           another way to promote productive agriculture.  The transmitted version of the   農桑另闢蹊徑。宋代耕織圖流通本有耕圖
           Song dynasty Gengzhi tu consists of 21 images of agriculture and 24 pictures of   二十一幅、織圖二十四幅,題五言敘事詩
           sericulture accompanied by 45 five-syllable descriptive poems.  This book not   共四十五首。此書既描述了諸多耕織工
           only described the technical processes involved with agriculture and sericulture,   序,亦提供了所用器具的詳情。及至 1237
           but also provided details of many of the implements involved.  The first printed   年前後,樓璹之孫樓洪、樓深刊印石刻初
           edition was eventually published around 1237 by Lou Shou’s grandsons 樓 洪   版。至於後人(如南宋劉松年及若干元明
           Lou Hong and 樓深 Lou Shen.  Further publications of the Gengzhi tu by other   畫家)繪製的耕織圖,泰半為樓璹版摹本。

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