Page 14 - Three Qianlong Rarities Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 14

fig. 5  Grisaille-decorated album depicting tilling, Qianlong period, (part)
                                                    Colleciton of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                     圖五  清乾隆   墨彩題詩耕織圖冊 ( 部分 )

           and wife to the legendary Yellow Emperor, and who is credited with discovering   康熙《御製耕織圖》及其後繼者的影響,
           sericulture and inventing the silk loom.  Amongst the rituals carried out by the   在材質不一的十八世紀作品中時可得見。
           Qing dynasty empress was the use of a golden hook to collect mulberry leaves to   乾隆時期,也有製作瓷板四冊折本裝。這
           feed the silk worms, after which the other ladies would also collect leaves using   些瓷板詩文相配,除了序跋各鈐一方朱印
           hooks of different materials appropriate to their status.             外,餘者皆飾精美的墨彩琺瑯。這本清宮
           The inspiration drawn from the Kangxi Yuzhi Gengzhi tu and its successors can   制詩陶瓷器》編號 73(北京,2016)(圖
           be seen in a number of different media in the 18th century.  A set of porcelain   五)。其中一圖繪農夫立於水牛所拉的耥
           plaques mounted as a folding,  四  冊 four-volume book was produced in the   耙上,另一圖繪農夫推犂與康熙《御製耕
           Qianlong reign. These plaques, with paired images and text plaques, were   織圖》原作如出一轍,與本拍品的春耕圖

           beautifully decorated in grisaille enamel, except for the two seals on each of the   亦十分接近。南宋《耕織圖》呈現了對各
           text plaques, which were depicted in iron red.  This ‘porcelain book’, from the   式農具之興趣,徐揚繪製的《高宗御製農
           former Qing court collection is illustrated in  故宮博物院藏御製詩陶瓷器          具十詠》圖冊與之遙相呼應,其靈感顯然
           Poem and Porcelain: The Yu Zhi Shi Ceramics in the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2016,   來自《御製耕織圖》。台北國立故宮【品
           no. 73 (fig. 5). An image on one of the plaques shows a farmer standing on a   牌的故事:乾隆皇帝的文物收藏與包裝藝
           tangba 耥耙 , harrow, drawn by a water buffalo, while another shows the farmer   術】曾收錄這幅冊頁,載於展覽圖錄頁
           ploughing, both similar scenes to that seen in one of the images in the original   196-7編號IV-14(台北:2017)(圖六)。
           Kangxi Yuzhi gengzhi tu, and also similar to the scenes on the current moonflask.    2004 年 4 月 26 日,香港佳士得拍賣會上
           An imperial album of paintings by 徐揚 Xu Yang illustrating 高宗御製農具十     推出的乾隆御製刺繡屏幅八幅(拍品編號
           詠 Ten Imperial Poems on Agricultural Implements by Emperor Gaozong (reflecting   356),當中也有《御製耕織圖》中用犂

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