Page 15 - Three Qianlong Rarities Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 15

fig. 6  Xu Yang, Ten Imperial Poems on Agricultural   fig. 7  A  set of eight imperial embroidered Gengzhi tu panels, Qianlong period (part)
                 Implements by Emperor Gaozong, album of 10 leaves,       Christie’s Hong Kong, 26 April 2004, lot 356
                          colour on paper (part)                          圖七  清乾隆   御製耕織圖繡屏一套八件 ( 部分 )
                  Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei        香港佳士得   2004 年 4 月 26 日   拍品 356 號
                  圖六  徐揚  《高宗御製農具十詠》  紙本  設色 ( 部分 )

               the interest in farming implements evinced in the Southern Song version of the   和耥耙耕作的畫面。(圖七)
               Gengzhi tu) also includes one depicting a farmer tilling his fields, in this case
               with a plough, which clearly also took inspiration from the Yuzhi gengzhi tu.    紋飾與本拍品相若的大型御製抱月瓶極
               This album leaf was included in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, exhibition   為罕見,此器想必是皇上特為某個慶典
               品牌的故事 : 乾隆皇帝的文物收藏與包裝藝術 Story of a Brand Name – The                   所訂製。已發表作品中,有二例題材近

               Collection and Packaging Aesthetics of Emperor Qianlong in the Eighteenth Century,   似的鬥彩乾隆瓶:一例為天津市藝術博
               Taipei, 2017, pp. 196-7, no. IV-14 (fig. 6). Scenes from the Yuzhi gengzhi tu,   物館藏,圖見《天津市藝術博物館藏
               including tilling scenes using both a plough and a harrow are depicted on a set   瓷》編號 176(香港:1993)(圖八);
               of eight Qianlong imperial embroidered panels offered by Christie’s Hong Kong   另一例為希爾德斯海姆的羅埃默博物館
               on 26 April, 2004, lot 356 (fig. 7).                                 珍藏,圖見韋斯納(Ulrich  Wiesner)所
                                                                                    著《中國瓷器》(Chinesisches  Porzellan
               Large imperial flasks with the decoration seen on the current vessel are   die  Ohlmer’sche  Sammlung  im  Roemer-
               extremely rare, but would almost certainly have been commissioned by the   Museum, Hildesheim)編號 57(Mainz am
               emperor to celebrate a particular occasion.  Two Qianlong flasks decorated in   Rhein:1981)。巴爾的摩華特斯藝術博
               doucai technique with similar scenes have been published. One is in the Tianjin   物館藏一例相同的青花抱月瓶,其上的耕
               Municipal Museum, illustrated in Porcelain from the Tianjin Municipal Museum,   圖也脫胎於耕織圖上的構圖。這兩件青花
               Hong Kong, 1993, pl. 176 (fig. 8), while the other is in the Roemer Museum,   抱月瓶其他的紋飾皆一般無二,看來很可
               Hildesheim, illustrated by Ulrich Wiesner in Chinesisches Porzellan die Ohlmer’sche   能是特別訂製的同一批器物(圖九)。
               Sammlung im Roemer-Museum, Hildesheim, Mainz am Rhein, 1981, pl. 57.   A very
               similar blue and white flask is in the collection of the Walters Art Museum,   無論是本拍品或華特斯珍藏,春耕圖的近

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