Page 12 - Three Qianlong Rarities Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 12

fig. 3  The Yongzheng Emperor ploughing the first furrow, horizontal scroll number two, Yongzheng period (1723-1735), ink and colour on silk
                                 Musée national des Arts asiatiques-Guimet  Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (MNAAG, Paris) / Michel Urtado
                                                  圖三  清雍正   《雍正帝親耕圖》   卷二   絹本   設色

           copy which was stored in the 貴積山堂 Guijishan Tang Library of the 圓明園   《耕織圖》對十八世紀宮廷意義重大,除
           Yuanming yuan, but that in 1769 the Qianlong Emperor added his own poems   了可證諸乾隆在位期間為 1769 年版《耕
           to this edition and thereafter it was stored in the 稼軒 Jiaxuan hall.  織圖》新配的詩句,雍正年間的絹本設色
           The significance of the Gengzhi tu to the imperial family in the 18th century   雍正的身影,而且他還躬秉犁器,所做
           can be seen not only in the fact that the Qianlong Emperor composed new   俱是康熙版本中的粗重農活。此圖冊為北
           poems for the 1769 edition published in his reign, but that in the Yongzheng   京故宮博物院珍藏,圖見《故宮博物院
           reign a 52 leaf album was produced in colour on silk in which portraits of the   藏文物珍品大系 14:清代宮廷繪畫》頁

           Yongzheng Emperor were inserted in each illustration performing one of the   74-90(香港,1996)(圖二),第 76 頁
           tasks undertaken by one of the peasants in the Kangxi version – no matter how   左下第三開〈耗耨〉與本拍品紋飾相近。
           menial.  This album is preserved in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing,
           and is illustrated in Paintings by the Court Artists of the Qing Court, The Complete   這類以耕織為題(甚至有皇帝扶犂親耕之
           Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, vol. 14, Hong Kong, 1996, pp. 74-  場景)的宮廷畫,足證農桑之興衰對國
           90 (fig. 2), with the illustration comparable to the image on the current flask   祚社稷何等重要,亦彰顯了祈求五穀豐
           being leaf number three, shown on page 76, lower left, entitled 耗耨 haonou.   登時,帝后扮演的關鍵角色。皇上貴為
           These imperial depictions of agriculture and sericulture, which even included   之息息相關。天子若祭獻不周,可能會
           the emperor himself depicted working in the fields, serve as to illustrate of   被視作災害(如歉收及其對國祚的影響)
           the importance of the success of these activities to China as a whole and the   之源頭。皇帝每年主持的重大祭典之一,
           important role of the Emperor and Empress in ensuring bountiful harvests.  As   便是在行耕耤禮(自古以來於仲春亥日舉

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