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Fig 4. Constantin von Hanneken (1854-1925)   Fig 5. Residence of Constantin Von Hanneken, Tianjin
                 圖四 漢納根(1854-1925)               圖五  漢納根故居,天津

                 of the foreign settlement, and was instrumental in the  significantly, Port  Arthur (Lüshun gang).  Von
                 construction of the City Hall, named ‘Gordon Hall’ after  Hanneken  was  highly  decorated  for  having
                 Charles ‘Chinese’ Gordon. At the time of his death in  established Port  Arthur in 1881, eventually rising
                 1913, a Chinese newspaper wrote: “His Influence upon  to the rank of Chinese general, and later tasked
                 the permanent prosperity of [Tianjin] is incalculable.  with the fortification of  Talienwan and  Weihaiwei
                 We can hardly find a stage of public life in our present  by Japanese forces. During the Sino-Japanese war,
                 society which has not been associated with the great  in November 1894, the Guangxu Emperor issued
                 and valuable contribution made by Detring.”   a decree  making  von Hanneken  commander in
                                                            chief of China’s armies with  ‘ample funds and
                 Constantin von Hanneken (1854-1925)        power’, in the hope that a  Western general could
                 Born in  Trier on the Rhine, and described by  his  defeat the  Japanese army. Under pressure from
                 family  as  a  ‘patriot  of  China’,  Constantin  von  xenophobic factions within the court, the plan was
                 Hanneken (fig. 4) had served as a Captain in the  later reversed, eventually leading to the capturing
                 Prussian Field  Artillery before being hired as  of  Port Arthur  and Weihaiwei. Together  Detring
                 one of Detring’s military advisors. He moved to  and von Hanneken also oversaw the vast British
                 China in 1879 to take up the position and quickly  controlled Kaiping Mining Company, which was
                 established himself as a close friend and advisor  the first successful large-scale effort to introduce
                 to  Li  Hongzhang,  for  whom  he  worked  until  1887.  Western technology and methods into industrial
                 Li put von Hanneken in charge of reorganizing and  production in China.  Von Hanneken married
                 modernizing the Chinese army and in designing  Detring’s eldest daughter, Elsa, in 1895, thereby
                 and building several naval forts including, most  uniting these two prominent families.

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