Page 37 - Japnese Art Netsuke, Okimono, Lempertz June 2, 2019
P. 37

320  An Edo school wood netsuke of a kappa on
                                                                          a hamaguri, by Kômin. 19th century

                                                                          Climbing over a ridged clam which is closing
                                                                          its valves on the kappa’s foot, on his back a
                                                                          tortoise’s carapace, the pimply skin of the legs
                                                                          rendered in ukibori. The eye pupils painted
                                                                          black under translucent horn, the depression
                                                                          on top of his head inlaid with a grey materi-
                                                                          al, the umbo inlaid with shell, the cord holes
                                                                          ligned with silver. Signed Kômin on a rectan-
                                                                          gular gilt tablet. Restored.
                                                                          Height 3.1 cm; width 3.1 cm

                                                                          € 800 – 1.200


                                                                      321  A large Edo school boxwood netsuke of a
                                                                          tengu no tamago, by Shûmin. Mid-19th century

                                                                          A karasu tengu hatches from its cracked egg,
                                                                          the underside carved with a maple leaf, an oak
                                                                          leaf, and pine needles in fine line engraving,
                                                                          one cord hole in shape of a ginkgo leaf. The
                                                                          tengu’s cap of kaki wood. Signed Shûmin.
                                                                          Height 3.6 cm; length 4.1 cm
                                                                          € 1.200 – 1.500


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