Page 122 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
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           A GILT-LACQUERED FIGURE OF AVALOKITSHVARA         Professor Abraham Herschel Bober (1915-1988), better known as
           SIMHANADA                                         Harry Bober, was a prominent American art historian specializing
           Ming Dynasty                                      in European Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, art, and
           Seated on the back of a recumbent lion and supported by an   architecture. He completed his doctoral degree at New York
           elaborate lotus base, the left hand holding a cintamani and the right   University's Fine Arts Graduate Center (now the Institute of Fine Arts)
           raised in greeting, both hands holding the tips of lotus blossoms   in 1949, before teaching at Harvard University (1951-1954), and
           framing the shoulders and supporting a book and a blossom   returning to the Institute of Fine Arts in 1954 where he taught for
           flanked by trailing sashes, the elaborate garments and jeweled chest   the remainder of his career. In 1964, Bober became the university's
           completed by the richly embellished crown gracing the smiling features  first Avalon Foundation Professor of the Humanities. In addition to
           and downcast eyes.                                publishing widely in his field, he was a founding member and first
           19 1/4in (48.9cm) high                            secretary (1956-1959) of the International Center for Medieval Art,
                                                             for which he also helped launch its journal, Gesta. In 1975, Bober
           $8,000 - 12,000                                   curated and wrote the catalogue for The Passover: An Exhibition at
                                                             The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Over the course of his life, he built an
           明 金漆獅吼觀音像                                         art collection with particular strength in Medieval art, part of which he
                                                             lent to the Metropolitan Museum's 1968 exhibition Medieval Art from
           Provenance:                                       Private Collections.
           Christie's, New York, 2 June 1986, lot 132
           Collection of Professor Harry Bober, thence by descent

           紐約佳士得拍賣行,1986 年 6 月 2 日,拍品編號 132
           Harry Bober 教授舊藏,後於家族內傳承
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