Page 225 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 225

           JADEITE 'DRAGON' BOTTLE                           Noble收藏,加利佛尼亞
           1780-1850                                         Robert Kleiner,倫敦
           Of rounded rectangular shape, one main face carved in delicate low   Patricia Miller,夏威夷
           relief with a coiling, scaly and antler-horned and whiskered dragon   亞洲藝術工作室,加利佛尼亞
           amidst dense clouds rising to a flaming pearl at the center of the upper
           third of the bottle, the clouds encroaching to each of the narrow sides   For another emerald-flecked jadeite bottle of identical shape and
           of the bottle and the reverse side undecorated save for the attractive   carved with a dragon chasing a flaming pearl on each side, and
           apple green diagonal striations with emerald-green flecks, all below the  possibly from the same workshop, see Robert Kleiner, Precious
           sloping shoulders and cylindrical neck with small mouth opening and   Playthings: Important Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Mack Collection,
           well hollowed interior, supported on a flat oval foot ring with deeply cut   Arizona, 2000, p. 33, no. 21 and also published by Bob C. Stevens,
           base.                                             The Collector's Book of Snuff Bottles, New York and Tokyo, 1976, pp.
           2 1/4in (5.7cm) high, stopper                     124-125, no. 455.
           $5,000 - 7,000

           1780-1850 翡翠刻龍紋鼻煙壺一件
           The Noble Collection, California
           Robert Kleiner, London
           Patricia Miller, Hawaii
           Asian Art Studio, California

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