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P. 216


174                                                                            Compare the larger bottle with a related multi-colour overlay glass snuff
A sapphire-blue overlay glass snuff bottle                                     bottle illustrated by H.Moss in Snuff Bottles of China, London, 1971, p.115,
Probably Imperial glassworks, Beijing, 18th century                            pl.245.
Of compressed globular form rising from an oval ringed foot to a cylindrical
neck, carved as a single overlay through the vivid sapphire-blue glass with a  176 Y ≈
stylised chilong on one side and a phoenix on the other. 6.1cm (2½in) high
£2,000 - 3,000                                                                 An inscribed olive-brown overlay glass snuff bottle and a yellow-
HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000                                          ground famille rose enamel on white glass snuff bottle
                                                                               The rectangular body with an oval footrim, carved through the olive-brown
十八世紀,擬宮廷作坊製品,北京                                                                and pink layer to the opaque white glass with a basket overflowing with
藕粉地套寶石藍玻璃鼻煙壺                                                                   flowers beside a crab, accompanied by a four-character inscription Chang
                                                                               yi zi sun at the top, the reverse depicting a magpie perching atop a plum
Provenance: A European private collection and thence by descent                tree, the narrow sides with mask and ring handles, probably Yangzhou,
                                                                               early 19th century, jadeite stopper, 6.6cm (2½in) high; the compressed
來源:歐洲私人收藏,並由家族繼承下去                                                             pear-shaped bottle painted on each side with a double-peach design amidst
                                                                               plum blossoms, all on a lemon yellow ground below a border of stylised
175 Y ≈                                                                        shou characters, Qianlong four-character mark, metal stopper, 3.9cm (1½in)
                                                                               high. (4).
A four-colour glass overlay ‘floral’ snuff bottle and a six-colour glass       £2,000 - 3,000
overlay ‘squirrel and grapes’ snuff bottle                                     HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000
19th century
The smaller bottle carved through the various overlay with blossoming          十九世紀早期 白套棕色玻璃花鳥紋鼻煙壺、
branches alternating with lingzhi fungus in reddish-pink, yellow and           玻璃胎畫琺瑯桃實紋鼻煙壺 藍彩「乾隆年製」楷書款
green, all springing from blue rockwork against the semi-transparent milky
ground, jadeite stopper, 5.5cm (2 1/5in) high; the other bottle of flattened   Provenance: A European private collection and thence by descent
pear shape, the multi-colour overlay carved with a bat hovering above a
squirrel amidst branches bearing grapes, the reverse with floral branches,     來源:歐洲私人收藏,並由家族繼承下去
the narrow sides carved with mask-and-ring handles, all against an opaque
milky white ground, coral stopper with metal collar, 7.9cm (3 in) high. (4).   For a Qianlong mark and period snuff bottle with pattern of peaches on
£4,000 - 6,000                                                                 a yellow ground in the National Palace Museum, see W.Fong and J.Watt,
HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000                                          Possessing the Past: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
                                                                               New York and Taipei, 1996, p.521, pl.312.
十九世紀 藕粉地套四色玻璃花卉紋鼻煙壺、白地套六色玻璃松鼠葡萄紋

Provenance: A European private collection and thence by descent


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