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180                                                    181                                                  Ding Erzhong (1865-1935) is one of the greatest
An inside-painted glass snuff bottle                   A rare inside-painted glass ‘horse’ snuff bottle     acknowledged artists of snuff bottle painting
Zhang Baotian, cyclically dated renchen year           Ding Erzhong, cyclically dated guimao year           in the late Qing Dynasty, achieving a reputation
(AD1892)                                               (AD1903)                                             parallel to the masterly Zhou Leyuan (active 1882-
The slender body rising to a cylindrical neck, finely  The flattened ovoid bottle delicately painted with   1893). Further to painting on snuff bottles, Ding
painted with a lively cockerel and hen feeding their   two elegant steeds in white and black colour,        Erzhong was recognised for his skills in painting,
chickens, accompanied by an inscription at the         gazing past an old gnarled tree at a distant         calligraphy, carving on stones and organic
top left, the reverse with a solitary figure walking   horizon on the right, the other side boldly painted  materials. An exquisite example of an inside-
along a riverbank in a mountainous landscape           with a rock sculpture, vases containing blossoming   painted ‘Buddhist lion and dragon’ snuff bottle by
with stripped trees and a group of birds in flight.    flowers and a tripod censer with calamus,            Ding Erzhong was sold in our Hong Kong rooms
6.2cm (2½in) high                                      inscribed at the top left on each side, carnelian    on 24 November 2012, The Paul Braga Collection
£2,500 - 4,000                                         stopper with metal collar. 6.2cm (2½in) high (2).    of Snuff Bottles, lot 15.
HK$29,000 - 47,000 CNY24,000 - 38,000                  £8,000 - 12,000                                      The horse is an auspicious motif that represents
                                                       HK$94,000 - 140,000 CNY75,000 - 110,000              peace, nobility and wealth. It is more common
玻璃內畫雞紋鼻煙壺                                                                                                   to find a figure riding the horse in Ding’s snuff
張葆田,1892年作                                             玻璃內畫雙駿圖鼻煙壺                                           bottle examples, rather than the present lot of two
Provenance: A European private collection and          丁二仲,1903年作                                           horses, see an example in the Mary and George
thence by descent                                      Provenance: A European private collection and        Bloch collection, illustrated by H.Moss, V.Graham,
                                                       thence by descent                                    K.B.Tsang, A Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles: The
來源:歐洲私人收藏,並由家族繼承下去                                                                                          Mary and George Bloch Collection, Vol. 4, Inside
                                                       來源:歐洲私人收藏,並由家族繼承下去                                   Painted, Hong Kong, 2000, p.321, no.558.
Zhang Baotian is a contemporary of Zhou Leyuan                                                              The auspicious objects on the other side of the
who has a distinguished style in the use of ink        Illustrated: H.M.Moss, Snuff Bottles of China,       present bottle is a typical subject for Ding’s work;
and sepia palette. Zhang is fond of depicting          London, 1971, p.145, pl.394, where the author        compare a related example from the Mary and
landscapes in most of his works which highlights       notes that the collection was formed mostly          George Bloch Collection, ibid., p.323, no.559.
the present lot with its depiction of chickens is a    between 1960 and 1966.
rare departure from his more typically depicted        著錄:H.M.Moss著,《Snuff Bottles of China》
subject matter.                                        ,倫敦,1971年,頁145,編號394,此收藏系

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