Page 223 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
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183 Y                                                                        The poem reads:
An inside-painted glass ‘butterflies’ snuff bottle
Ma Shaoxuan, cyclically dated bingshen year (AD 1896)                        百樣精神百樣春,
The flattened rectangular body delicately painted on one side with           小園深處靜無塵。
a dainty green butterfly hovering above smaller butterflies in various       筆花妙得天然趣,
colours pollinating a bush of flowers, all under an inscription Huan tian    不是尋常夢裡人。
xi di (blissful sky and joyful land) with the seal Shao, the reverse with a
poem in regular script followed by the artist’s signature and seal, coral    Which may be translated as:
5.9cm (2 1/3in) high (2).                                                    ‘The hundreds of living creatures in the hundreds of springs,
£4,000 - 6,000                                                               Deep in the small garden it is tranquil without dust.
HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000                                        The painted blossoms so marvellous they capture the essence of nature.
                                                                             This is not the dream of a common man.’
馬少宣,1896年作                                                                   Ma Shaoxuan (1867-1939), together with Zhou Leyuan and Ye
                                                                             Zhongsan, are known as the three masters of inside-painted snuff
Provenance: A European private collection and thence by descent              bottles. The subject of ‘butterflies’ is one of his recognised themes in
                                                                             snuff bottles, which also influenced other renowned artists such as Gui
來源:歐洲私人收藏,並由家族繼承下去                                                           Xianggu.

                                                                             Compare an example in the Humphrey K.F.Hui Collection illustrated by
                                                                             H.Hui, S.Y.Lai and P.Lam, Inkplay in Microcosm: Inside-painted Chinese
                                                                             Snuff Bottles: The Humphrey K.F.Hui Collection, Hong Kong, 2002,
                                                                             no.29 and 32.

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