Page 308 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 308
A fine gilt-bronze seated figure of Buddha
Late 15th/16th century
Seated in vajrasana, the left hand in the earth-touching
mudra, bhumisparsamudra, the left upturned in the lap
in dhyanamudra, a plain robe pulled diagonally across
the torso and concealing his left arm, the hair piled into a
tightly-curled usnisha and with two long pierced earlobes,
all on a single lotus domed base, the base closed, the
gilding of very rich tone on the body.
28.5cm (11¼in)high
£30,000 - 40,000
HK$350,000 - 470,000 CNY280,000 - 380,000
十五世紀晚期/十六世紀 銅鎏金佛坐像
In this pose, with his right hand extended to touch the
ground, the Buddha is depicted at the dramatic moment of
his enlightenment at Bodh Gaya, when he calls upon the
earth to witness his final defeat of the demon Mara.
Compare two related gilt-bronze figures, dated to the 15th
century, sold at Christie’s New York, 21 September 2007, lot
1878 and Christie’s Hong Kong, 20 November 2011,
lot 2891.
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