Page 376 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 376


                                                                             The Property of a Lady 女士藏品

342 †                                                                        343
                                                                             A rare pair of painted enamel dishes
A very rare painted enamel incense burner for the Islamic market             Qianlong six-character marks and of the period
Qianlong four-character mark and of the period                               Each enamelled on the interior with a gathering of four smiling scholars
The bulbous body painted on each side with a lobed cartouche enclosing       in a pine grove, two conversing as one rests his arm on a pile of books
a gilt Arabic inscription against a blue ground, all surrounded by delicate  and scrolls, beside a third carrying a staff from which a double-gourd
lotus flowers on leafy scrolling branches against a yellow-ground,           hangs while a fourth leans back to watch two boys carrying books and
the bowl with two gilded handles of simple loop form, the interior           a fly-whisk approach over a bridge, the exterior each with four blue
enamelled white with a twelve-petalled pink flower in the well.              scrolling three-clawed dragons.
20cm (8in) wide                                                              Each 16.5cm (6½in) diam. (2).
£15,000 - 20,000                                                             £7,000 - 12,000
HK$180,000 - 240,000 CNY140,000 - 190,000                                    HK$82,000 - 140,000 CNY66,000 - 110,000

清乾隆 畫琺瑯開光伊斯蘭文雙耳爐 紅彩「乾隆年製」楷書款                                                 清乾隆 畫琺瑯山水人物圖盤一對 藍彩「大清乾隆年製」楷書款

The Islamic inscription reads ‘La illah il Allah’ on one side and ‘Muhamad   Provenance: a German private collection
rasul ullah’ on the other side. This may be translated as ‘There is no
God but Allah, Muhamad is his prophet.’ Whilst examples of incense           來源:德國私人收藏
burners with Islamic inscriptions are well-known, it is highly unusual to
find a painted enamel piece such as the present lot, particularly with       The rare pair of painted enamel dishes on copper body were produced
the imperial Qianlong reign mark, more typical of imperial tribute ware      in Guangzhou workshops as Imperial tribute for the Qing Court, as
made in Guangzhou during this period.                                        demonstrated by the Qianlong six-character mark on each of the dishes.

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