Page 40 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 40
The blue and white brushpot, Chongzhen, Lot 29, in situ in the family’s residence, circa 1950s.
The Property of a Gentleman 紳士藏品 Provenance: acquired by Dashwood Poyntz Ricketts, Esq. (1859-1944),
Engineer-in-Chief of the Pekin-Mukden Railway. Following his retirement
29 in April 1922, on 15 March 1926 King George V granted Dashwood
A fine blue and white brushpot, bitong Poyntz Ricketts the right to wear the Insignia of the Fourth Class of the
Chongzhen Order of the Excellent Crop, which decoration was conferred upon him
The cylindrical brushpot painted in vivid underglaze blue with a by the President of the Republic of China in recognition of the valuable
continuous scene of ladies and boys playing in a garden of trees and services rendered by him.
fanciful rockwork, variously plucking flowers, practising martial arts,
playing with crickets and conversing, the scene divided by mountains 來源:由京奉鐵路首席工程師Dashwood Poyntz Ricketts, Esq. (1859-
and cloud scrolls, all between incised bands of foaming waves at the 1944)購得。隨著他1922年4月退休後,喬治五世於1926年3月15日授
foot and rim. 權他佩帶Insignia of the Fourth Class of the Order of the Excellent Crop
21cm (8¼in) high 徽章,其裝飾由中華民國總統頒贈,以表揚他所提供的優秀服務。
£10,000 - 15,000
HK$120,000 - 180,000 CNY94,000 - 140,000
明崇禎 青花黃粱美夢圖筆筒
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