Page 406 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 406

370            370 Y
               A carved ivory box and hinged cover
371            First half of the 19th century
               The sides of the box raised on a stepped lobed
372            base and intricately carved with dense scenes
402 | Bonhams  of smiling villagers enjoying daily activities
               including farming, visiting friends, transporting
               goods, punting a covered raft and relaxing
               with fans, each ivory panel neatly dovetailed
               at the corners, the hinged lobed cover similarly
               carved in the lobed cartouche with figures
               in a boat beside a pagoda, all surrounded by
               birds amid flowering and fruiting branches
               including peony, peach, finger citron, lotus and
               26cm (10¼in) long
               £5,000 - 8,000
               HK$59,000 - 94,000 CNY47,000 - 75,000

               十九世紀上半期 象牙鏤雕人物故事圖長方蓋盒

               371 Y
               An ivory carving of figures within a gourd
               19th century
               Carefully carved as a gourd on elaborately
               tendrilled stem, one side open to reveal a scene
               of four generals on horseback armed with
               spears accompanied by two foot soldiers with
               swords and a boy waving a banner, all in front
               of a walled citadel.
               13cm (5 1/8in) high
               £2,000 - 3,000
               HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000

               十九世紀 象牙鏤雕人物故事圖葫蘆式擺件

               372 † Y

               An ivory ‘birds and chicks’ brushrest
               Late Qing Dynasty
               Delicately carved as two adult birds perched on
               a gnarled trunk, one looking down at its chick
               chirping with wings outspread as four other
               chicks gather within the protective hollow of
               the twisting trunk.
               15.5cm (6 1/8in) long
               £2,000 - 3,000
               HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000

               清晚期 象牙雕鳥式筆座
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