Page 407 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 407
373 * Y
A carved ivory box and cover and a pair of carved ivory tea caddies
19th century
The box formed of four ivory panels each carved with a central cartouche
containing a scene of a rustic village beside a river and pagodas amidst
pines, surrounded by tree shrews clambering over finely reticulated
twisting vines bearing grapes and leaves, the cover similarly carved with
a detailed scene of a walled village by a river and surrounded by vines
and tree shrews; both caddies carved on each side with a leafy-bordered
central cartouche containing a village scene surrounded by reticulated
floral scrolls and the top with eight bats surmounted by the cap carved
with lotus flowers and buds.
The box 14.5cm (5¾in) long; each caddy 10.2cm (4in) long (6).
£10,000 - 15,000
HK$120,000 - 180,000 CNY94,000 - 140,000
十九世紀 象牙鏤雕山水圖四方蓋盒及茶葉罐一對
374 Y
A carved ivory ring-handled baluster vase
Late Qing Dynasty
Carefully carved with a continuous scene of five soldiers on horseback
galloping around the body of the vase armed with maces and a spear within
a mountainous landscape, the neck incised with bats amid cloud scrolls
between four heads of human-like monsters suspending ring handles.
9.5cm (3¾in) high
£2,000 - 3,000
HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000
清晚期 象牙雕人物故事圖四獸鈕瓶
Fine Chinese Art | 403