Page 410 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 410

               A cinnabar lacquer ‘Buddhist lion’ box and
               The six-lobed cover crisply incised with three
               playful Buddhist lions encircling a brocade ball
               tied with long ribbons streaming out amid fire
               scrolls, all against a floral geometric ground,
               the sides of the box and cover similarly incised
               with panels of fretwork against a diamond
               ground, the interior lacquered black.
               18cm (7in) wide (2).
               £8,000 - 12,000
               HK$94,000 - 140,000
               CNY75,000 - 110,000
               清乾隆 剔紅三獅戲球圖葵瓣式蓋盒
               For another example of a lacquer box and
               cover with three Buddhist lions playing with
               a tasselled ball, dated to the Qianlong period
               and in the Muwentang Collection, see S.Kwan,
               Chinese Lacquer, Hong Kong, 2010, no.111.

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