Page 414 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 414

                                                         A rare and large circular lacquer box and cover
                                                         The cover brightly decorated in gilt and silver inlay on red lacquer with
                                                         a central shou medallion set with a five-petalled flower surrounded by
                                                         five double happiness characters alternating with lotus blooms within a
                                                         ruyi-head border, all within a band filled with chrysanthemum and lotus
                                                         encircled by a further band containing four pairs of red-capped cranes
                                                         alternating with gnarled and leafy branches issuing peaches, the box
                                                         similarly decorated with four cranes between flowering and fruiting
                                                         peach branches, the interiors with plain red lacquer in the nashiji style.
                                                         38.5cm (15¼in) diam. (2).
                                                         £20,000 - 30,000
                                                         HK$240,000 - 350,000 CNY190,000 - 280,000

                                                         清乾隆 紅漆描金嵌銀壽喜八鶴紋圓蓋盒

                                                         Compare a related gilt-decorated lacquer box and cover in the Qing
                                                         Court Collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of
                                                         the Palace Museum: Lacquerware, Beijing, 2006, no.142 (see fig.1 left).

fig.1 A gilt-lacquered box and cover, Qing Dynasty; im-
age courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing.

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