Page 418 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 418
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A mother-of-pearl-inlaid black lacquer low
387 table, kang
414 | Bonhams 17th/18th century
The black lacquer top inlaid with scholars in a
garden beside a pavilion enclosing a seated official
at an altar, bordered by a river on the far side of
which figures lie feasting and practising martial
arts under a weeping willow tree, all above a
waisted neck over a spreading skirt decorated on
each side with a cartouche containing figures in
landscape, supported on four cabriole legs.
65cm x 46cm x 21.3cm high (25½in x 18in x 8
3/8in high)
£4,000 - 5,000
HK$47,000 - 59,000 CNY38,000 - 47,000
十七/十八世紀 黑漆嵌螺鈿人物故事圖炕桌
A pair of 'lac burgauté' circular boxes and
Kangxi, two-character Qianli marks
Each box and cover almost spherical, raised on
a low foot, each cover with three sections of
different patterns formed from the mother-of-
pearl and gilt inlay radiating from an gilt-inlaid
chrysanthemum blossom at the centre, the rim
with a band of four-petalled flowers, each box
similarly decorated with three different inlaid
geometric designs beneath a band of flowers at
the rim and a leafy chrysanthemum spray on the
interior, wood stands.
Each box 3.7cm (1 1/2in) diam. (6).
£8,000 - 10,000
HK$94,000 - 120,000 CNY75,000 - 94,000
清康熙 黑漆螺鈾球形蓋盒一對 「千里」篆書款
Provenance: Christie's Paris, Le Haras
d'Estimauville: Oeuvres et Objets d'Art provenant
des Collections Rothschild, 26-27 October 2010,
lot 380.
來源:巴黎佳士得,Le Haras d'Estimauville:
Oeuvres et Objets d'Art provenant des Collections
Jiang Qianli was a renowned craftsman specialising
in inlaid lacquer, traditionally thought to have lived
in the late Ming period, and his mark subsequently
appeared on numerous inlaid lacquer pieces. The
present lot shows a mastery of the fine control
required for such minutely detailed workmanship,
as well as a pleasing exploration of varied textural
patterns and colour of the mother of pearl.
Compare a single box of similar form and
decoration in the Collection of Mr Menasce
illustrated in the catalogue to the Oriental Ceramic
Society exhibition The Arts of the Ch'ing Dynasty,
London, 1964, no.385 and subsequently included
in the Spink & Son Ltd., catalogue The George de
Menasce Collection, Part I, London, 1971, no.131.
A related lobed box inlaid with the Qianli mark
is illustrated by H.Moss, Arts from the Scholar's
Studio, Hong Kong, 1986, no.144. See also a
similar pair of boxes with the Qianli mark which
sold at Christie's New York, 15 September 2011,
lot 919.