Page 420 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 420
fig.1 A zitan ‘elephant’ stool, Qing Dynasty; image courtesy of
the Palace Museum, Beijing.
The Property of a Scottish Family 蘇格蘭家族藏品
389 w Provenance: a Scottish private collection
A fine pair of zitan ‘elephant-head’ square stands
19th century
A zitan stool similarly carved with an elephant head at the top of each
Each with a floating panel set into the surface and resting on a band leg is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasure of the Palace
Museum: Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (II), Hong Kong,
carved with stiff foliate palmette above a reticulated waisted section 2002, no. 75 (see fig.1 above).
carved with archaistic C-scrolls, further supported by four slender legs
carved with elephant heads with elongated trifurcated trunks, each leg
linked at the middle by short struts supporting a lower shelf and ending
in a carved scroll at the foot, and each foot raised at the corner of a
square-framed base on four short feet.
Each stand 32cm (12½in) square and 96.5cm (38in) high (2).
£10,000 - 15,000
HK$120,000 - 180,000 CNY94,000 - 140,000
十九世紀 紫檀木雕象足香几一對
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