Page 422 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 422
Property from a European Noble Family Private Collection
Lots 390 - 391
Luis Valera y Delavat (1870-1926) Marquis de Villasinda, diplomat and writer,was sent in July 1900 by the government of
Spain to China as Secretary,with special powers to defend Spanish interests after the Boxer rebellion. Before travelling
to China he served in the Spanish embassies in Brussels and Vienna, and later was Minister Plenipotentiary in Tangier
(1911-1913). In 1916 he was appointed as ambassador to Russia,where he lived through the revolution and fall of the Tsars.
Further diplomatic appointments included Lisbon and finally the Holy See. Expert and great art collector, the Marquis
de Villasinda wrote several books, the most important of these being Shadow Plays, in which he chronicles the perilous
journey from Hong Kong to Beijing, a few days prior to the end of the siege of the Diplomatic Legations in Beijing and the
immediate aftermath.
390 Provenance: Luis Valera y Delavat (1870-1926), Marquis de Villasinda,
A pair of important gilt-lacquer cabinets Spanish diplomat in Beijing, circa 1900, and thence by descent.
18th century, Japanese, probably for the Chinese Imperial Court According to the family, the pair of cabinets was acquired at that time
Each elaborately constructed as a central two-doored cabinet surrounded and originated in the Forbidden City.
by three friezed compartments at the top and three low compartments
at the bottom and two shelves on either side, the external sides filled 來源:Luis Valera y Delavat (1870-1926)藏品,並由其家族繼承下
with diagonal struts, one on each side with a pierced area diagonally 去。Luis Valera y Delavat來自Marquis de Villasinda,是約1900年西班牙駐
across, all raised on an aproned platform on four straight legs, all the 北京的外交官。根據其家族,此拍品於當時獲得,並來自紫禁城。
woodwork covered in black lacquer and gilded and the interior and
exterior with Japanese genre scenes of huts in mountain landscapes
with small figures, the tops each gilded with five cranes in flight over
a riverscape, and the backs painted in gold with scattered blossoms
including ivy, iris, aster and prunus.
Each 99.4cm x 39.4cm x 126.5cm high
(39 1/8in x 15½in x 49¾in high) (2).
£80,000 - 120,000
HK$940,000 - 1,400,000 CNY750,000 - 1,100,000
十八世紀 御製黑漆描金山水人物圖多寶格一對
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