Page 434 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 434

395            395 w
                   A huanghuali bench
              396  Qing Dynasty
430 | Bonhams      The slender bench resting on two end panels each carved
                   in openwork with a pendent ruyi-head linked by a strut to
                   a larger foliate scroll design, all with a single beaded edge,
                   the panels each terminating in an inward scroll and linked
                   on each side by an apron with hanging lobes at each end.
                   151cm long x 29.5cm wide x 45.5cm
                   (59½in long x 11½in wide x 18in high)
                   £3,000 - 5,000
                   HK$35,000 - 59,000 CNY28,000 - 47,000

                   清 黃花梨雕長凳

                   396 w
                   A burlwood and hardwood circular table
                   19th century
                   The circular table top formed of a single piece of burlwood
                   with a recessed border set into a circular hardwood frame
                   of four sections joined with wooden pins, all above four
                   aprons carved with stylised square scrolls, all raised on
                   four slender legs curving inwards and ending in four scroll
                   75cm diam. x 72.5cm high (29½in diam. x 28¾in high)
                   £3,000 - 5,000
                   HK$35,000 - 59,000 CNY28,000 - 47,000

                   十九世紀 癭木及硬木圓桌
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