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P. 436


The Property of a Gentleman 紳士藏品                                          399 w
Lots 398 - 399                                                            A hardwood display cabinet
                                                                          18th/19th century
398 w                                                                     The cabinet formed of three open shelves above three drawers in a
A huanghuali table, banzhuo                                               row supported on a cupboard with two bevelled side panels flanking
18th century                                                              two hinged doors aside a central vertical strut, joined by three brass
The central panel surrounded by four edge panels above a waisted          loops and a single key, each door with reticulated carving of a precious
neck, all supported on four slender legs joined on each side by a simple  vessel planted with a blossoming branch amid seven stylised chilong, all
yokeback strut with beaded edges, the foot terminals with inward          raised on four straight legs joined by a low apron at the front and sides.
scrolls.                                                                  94.3cm x37.3cm x 193.5cm high (37¼in x 14¾in x 76¼in high) (2).
95.5cm x 46.4cm x 84 high (37 5/8in x 18¼in x 33in high)                  £8,000 - 12,000
£8,000 - 12,000                                                           HK$94,000 - 140,000 CNY75,000 - 110,000
HK$94,000 - 140,000 CNY75,000 - 110,000
                                                                          十八/十九世紀 硬木鏤雕螭龍花卉紋格櫃
十八世紀 黃花梨半桌
                                                                          Provenance: purchased at Ian McLean Antiques, Hong Kong, 13
Provenance: purchased at Ian McLean Antiques, Hong Kong, 8 August         September 1990
1988                                                                      An English private collection
An English private collection
                                                                          來源:1990年9月13日購於香港古董商Ian McLean Antiques
來源:1988年8月8日購於香港古董商Ian McLean Antiques                                    英國私人收藏

Compare a similar huanghuali table in the Victoria & Albert Museum,
but dated about 1550-1650, illustrated by C.Clunas, Chinese Furniture,
London, 1988, p.49, no.33.

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