Page 435 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 435

397 w
A carved hardwood, ebony and boxwood
bone-inlaid cabinet
19th century
The top cupboard with two hinged doors
with ebony edges set with intricately carved
hardwood panels with six birds perching
on foliate branches issuing four pairs of
pomegranates with melons and lingzhi
fungus at the foot, all above the lower doors
also edged with ebony enclosing a further
boxwood border surrounding hardwood
panels inlaid with bone figures in boxwood
landscape scenery variously fishing, boating,
riding a buffalo and resting in pavilions, the
interior with two drawers at the top of the
lower cupboard, each of the sides inlaid with
boxwood with two scenes of a birds perching
on a flowering branch, all raised on four turned
legs and all surmounted by a waisted section
inlaid with a boxwood bat flanked by bone
peaches on a leafy branch, in turn flanked by
squirrels on grape vines, further flanked by
stylised scrolls, all beneath a reticulated frieze
containing two dragons in pursuit of a central
flaming pearl, with a makara at each end.
93.5cm x 49.5cm x 172cm high
(36¾in x 19½in x 67¾in high)
£4,000 - 6,000
HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000

十九世紀 硬木、烏木及黃楊木鏤雕山水人物花


Provenance: an English private collection,
acquired before 1873 and thence by descent


The lot comes with an old note reading:
This cabinet was brought from Shanghai to
England some time before 1873 by Mrs Philip
H.Underwood. Born Eliza Arabella Dale, she
married as her second husband Richard Taylor
Bellhouse on 2nd October, 1873, at the Parish
Church, Eccles, Lancs.
The cabinet was left by her to her step-son,
Edward Lloyd Wynward Bellhouse; and by him
to his eldest daughter, Mrs. Ida Maud Harland.

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