Page 440 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 440
The Property of a Lady 女士藏品
404 405 w
A rare Imperial silk gauze cover A large Imperial ‘nine-dragon’ embroidered silk throne cushion
18th century 18th/19th century
The quatrelobed cover with a central medallion enclosing a fierce five- Richly embroidered in soft blue, yellow, cream and green silk contrasting
clawed dragon couched in gilt-wrapped thread and energetically chasing with brilliant gold-wrapped thread depicting a front-facing five-clawed
a flaming pearl, all surrounded by four further front-facing five-clawed dragon encircling a flaming pearl whilst clutching a finger-citron,
dragons each encircling a flaming pearl, two of the dragons each surrounded by eight five-clawed dragons variously holding peaches,
flanked by two pairs of the Buddhist Symbols, variously the wheel of fire, pomegranates, a ruyi-head, musical stone and lotus tassel, four of
the lotus, the parasol and the banner, the other dragons above foaming the dragons also with flaming pearls, all surrounded by the Eight
water and surrounded by roses and bats, all against cloud scrolls. Daoist Symbols and bats amid cloud scrolls, all enclosed by a border of
112.5cm (44¼in) wide mountains and water including Lake Tai rockwork and lingzhi in each
£4,000 - 6,000 corner, framed and glazed. The frame 127cm x 125cm (50in x 49 1/8in)
HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000 £8,000 - 12,000
HK$94,000 - 140,000 CNY75,000 - 110,000
十八世紀 御製藍紗地繡五龍紋套子
十八/十九世紀 黃地繡九龍紋寶座墊
436 | Bonhams
Provenance: acquired from John Sparks Ltd., London, on 22 November
1948 (invoice dated 31 December 1948)
An English private collection
來源:1948年11月22日購於倫敦古董商John Sparks (發票日期為1948